
Video: Treatment For Heartburn and GERD

This video will share with you more about over-the-counter and prescription medication to manage heartburn and GERD.

Video: Treatment For Heartburn and GERD

For occasional cases of mild heartburn, "over the counter" medicines may work for you .

Antacids help to neutralize stomach acid and can provide quick relief.

H-2 Receptor Blockers - These medications are a stronger type of antacid. If you have GERD, they can help to reduce or eliminate symptoms, as well as heal an inflamed esophagus. H-2 receptor blockers can actually reduce the production of acid in your stomach. They are available in over-the-counter and prescription strength for GERD. They don't act as quickly as regular antacids, but they do last longer.

Proton Pump Inhibitors -
These medications can block acid production completely and allow time for a damaged esophagus to heal. This medication was only available by prescription, but is now also available in an over-the-counter strength.

These, like all medications, can cause some side effects, so talk to your doctor about which option is best for you.

If have a severe case of GERD, your doctor may recommend surgery. The most common procedure is called fundoplication surgery, which applies pressure to the LES valve and reduces reflux. In many cases this can be done without large incisions by performing a laparoscopic operation.

It's important to know that the symptoms of heartburn can mimic other more serious problems, including heart attacks. So, if your symptoms seem like more than just reflux, or if you’re losing weight or having trouble swallowing or breathing, you should discuss it with your doctor.

Medicine and surgery are not the only ways to get rid of your heartburn problem. If you prefer trying a more holistic and natural therapy, you can check out Jeff Martin's holistic approach to Heartburn No More.