
7 Secrets of Heartburn Acid Reflux Diet

Here are the 7 simple rules for diets -  a move towards a holistic, all-natural GERD treatment:

1. Reduce meal size. Mega meals put too much stress on the digestive system, more stomach acid is fabricated and an existing acid reflux condition can be degraded. Eat 5-6 smaller meals per day rather than 2-3 big meals.

2. Give your stomach a better possibility to work in the 2-3 hour window after a light meal, rather than the 5-6 hours for a heavy one. This is much better planning for the last meal of the day, to avoid lying down when acid can still flow back along your esophageal passage. So eat your last meal of the day as a light one and go for a short walk if you can, to aid digestion.

3. Don't gobble food. Gobbling means intake or air, pressure in the stomach and bloating which all goes to force back open the esophageal sphincter, with the resulting reflux of stomach acid.

4. Make way for herbal tea instead of coffee as well as reducing intake of high-fat or spicy meals, peppermint, citrus juices, soda and alcohol, coffee and caffeine, chocolate and any food with a large amount of tomato. Don't eat food that irritates the inside of your digestive tract, which in turn can cause your esophageal sphincter to malfunction and relax at the wrong moment.

5. Studies done in Sweden provide data to show that acid reflux danger can be halved via a high fiber diet and that high-fiber diets are useful for clearing out toxic matter and optimizing digestion.

6. Cut down on dairy produce, especially milk. Milk makes for more acid, mucus and allergies, all factors that stimulate Candida overgrowth and further digestive problems contributing to GERD.

7. Cut down on calories. Obesity and excess weight also act to force open the lower esophageal sphincter the wrong way.

Book Review: Eating for Acid Reflux: A Handbook and Cookbook for Those with Heartburn

The right plan based on the diet guidelines just mentioned will cut down on the chance of GERD and at the same time makes you healthier and fitter.

A heartburn diet plan is the 1st part of a complete natural and holistic program to stop acid reflux. It is the only way to permanently stop this problem. Diet plans are just one part of the treatment, like heartburn is just one piece of the acid heartburn puzzle. All the pieces need to be included in the solution in order to really effectively solve the problem.

Jeff Martin is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Heartburn No More- Open The Door To an Acid Reflux Free Life". Jeff has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.

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