
Can heartburn symptoms can be easily managed?

For Rachel Baca 26, of Amarillo, eating many of her favorite foods like spicy food would cause her heartburn and chest pains.

She is suffering from acid reflux condition in which stomach acid travels back into a her food pipe, or esophagus.

More than 20 percent of people experience at least mild heartburn acid reflux symptoms about once a week, according to Amarillo gastroenterologist Amit Trehan. Nearly about 7 percent to 10 percent of the population suffer the heartburn condition nearly every day. These are the ones who need the treatments.

Baca has consulted a doctor for acid reflux treatment after battling the condition for nearly two years. Before that, she tried using over-the-counter medication but they did not work for her.

Dr Trehan said it's important for extreme acid reflux sufferers to consult a doctor because long-term damage and cancer can result from acid reflux.

"Detecting cancers early by endoscopy has a much better prognosis than detecting end-stage tumors," Trehan said.

New treatments exist for extreme cases such as simple day-surgery.

Doctors can detect and remove any pre-cancerous lining of the esophagus through a person's mouth. The procedure is called Halo therapy.

"A lot of people just manage it with over-the-counter medication," said clinical nurse Sarah Schick.

Over-the-counter antacids such as Alka-Seltzer, Maalox, and Mylanta are safe and effective for mild cases.

Doctors can prescribe medications such as Prevacid or Nexium.

"All (prescription-strength antacids) are equally effective, no significant clinical difference," Trehan said.

Trehan suggests certain lifestyle changes such as avoiding late meals, wearing loose-fitting clothes and eating smaller portions. If possible, it is good to start your own heartburn diet.

Those who have acid reflux disease are advised to avoid foods such as caffeine, chocolate, spicy foods, acidic fruits and mint flavorings.

To learn more, Click Here: How To Remedy Heartburn