If you have frequent or occasional heartburn, you can help decrease the tendency of the LES to relax, and decrease the likelihood that the stomach contents (and stomach acid) will splash up toward the LES by keeping in mind a few tips:
* Avoid lying down for two to three hours after eating. When you lie down, it's physically easier for stomach contents to splash up toward the LES. By sitting up or standing, gravity helps stomach contents stay where they belong -- at the bottom of the stomach.
* Avoid items that weaken the LES muscle (like chocolate, peppermint, caffeine, alcohol, fatty foods) and foods and beverages that may irritate a damaged esophagus lining (citrus and citrus juice, tomatoes and tomato juice, and chili peppers and black pepper).
* Avoid eating large meals because the more volume in the stomach, the more likely the stomach contents will splash toward the LES. Try eating four to five small meals instead of two or three large ones. By portaion out your food, it will tax your stomach too much
* Avoid high-fat meals because they tend to stay in the stomach longer; greasy or fried foods can also weaken the LES muscle. This can help you to maintain your weight loss also.
* Avoid smoking and avoid alcohol before, during, or after meals that seem to result in heartburn (like dinner). Both can weaken the LES muscle.
* Try waiting at least two hours after a meal before exercising if you find your heartburn seems to get worse after exercise.
* Chew gum (a nonpeppermint flavor) after meals to stimulate saliva production (the bicarbonate in saliva neutralizes acid) and increase peristalsis (which helps move the stomach contents into the small intestine more quickly).
* Plan your meals to encourage slow but sure weight loss if you are overweight. Extra weight around the midsection, especially, can press against the stomach and increase the pressure going up toward the LES.
* Drink a small glass of water at the end of meals to help dilute and wash down any stomach acid that might be splashing up into the esophagus, suggests Shekhar Challa, MD, president of Kansas Medical Clinic and author of Spurn The Burn: Treat The Heat.
* Plan on heartburn-friendly beverages like water, mineral water, decaffeinated tea, noncitrus juices, or nonfat or low-fat milk. Beverages to avoid include:
- Sodas: These can bloat the abdomen, increasing the pressure in the stomach and encouraging stomach acid to splash up into the esophagus.
- Juices: Tomato and citrus juices can irritate a damaged esophagus.
- Alcoholic beverages, coffee (even decaf) and caffeinated tea and cola can increase the acid content in the stomach as well as relax the LES.
* Eat a high fiber diet! A recent study found that people who followed a high-fiber meal plan were 20% less likely to have acid reflux symptoms, regardless of their body weight. You'll find fiber in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds (basically unprocessed plant foods).
To Learn More About The Unique 5-Step Holistic Acid Reflux Cure System Visit: Acid Reflux Treatment - Click Here
7 Causes of Heartburn Acid Reflux
There is a common misconception that if you suffer from acid reflux, you must be what you eat especially
eating spicy foods or drinking alcoholic beverages or smoking. However, this is not totally true.
Dr. Anish Sheth, a gastroenterologist and assistant professor of medicine at Yale University stated that there are 7 causes of heartburn acid reflux and they are often lifestyle factors.
The following are the 7 possible causes.
1. Sphincter has low pressure
Acid reflux occurs when the acidic contents of the stomach pass up into the esophagus, and the sphincter muscle (the barrier between the two) has a defect, so it is unable to block the acid.
If the sphincter muscle has low pressure, it causes acid reflux.
2. Pregnancy
3. Hiatal Hernia
A hiatal hernia is very common (at least 40 percent of Americans have them) and doesn’t necessarily cause acid reflux, Sheth said.
4. Gastroparesis
This is a disorder in which the stomach takes too long to empty its contents.
“Even though obesity is a lifestyle issue, it’s also something that can go overstated,” Sheth said.
This class of drugs prevents and treats osteoporosis in women and, occasionally, cause acid reflux in users.
“They stand out,” Sheth said. “They don’t necessarily cause reflux, but they can cause esophageal irritation, which can feel like heartburn.”
Sheth added it is always worth a quick review of any medication that you are taking long-term to see if acid reflux is one of its side effects.
7. Lifestyle
People who have heartburn "every now and then" may benefit from making lifestyle changes, Sheth said.
If they decrease their chocolate and/or caffeine intake (or other food or beverages that may irritate their symptoms), lose weight and stop smoking, they are likely to see a reduction in acid reflux symptoms, he said.
It is better to take care now than regret later. By making some changes to your lifestyle, it can only improve your health and make life happier and easier for you. Try it today.
eating spicy foods or drinking alcoholic beverages or smoking. However, this is not totally true.
Dr. Anish Sheth, a gastroenterologist and assistant professor of medicine at Yale University stated that there are 7 causes of heartburn acid reflux and they are often lifestyle factors.
The following are the 7 possible causes.
1. Sphincter has low pressure
Acid reflux occurs when the acidic contents of the stomach pass up into the esophagus, and the sphincter muscle (the barrier between the two) has a defect, so it is unable to block the acid.
If the sphincter muscle has low pressure, it causes acid reflux.
“Some people just have a low pressure, and we don’t know why,” Sheth said. “Pregnancy can lower the pressure, as can blood pressure and depression medications. But, most of the time, we don’t know what causes it.”For patients who suffer from a low-pressure sphincter, there is hope: a minimally invasive surgery known as fundoplication can provide relief.
2. Pregnancy
“Elevated progestin hormones cause the pressure of the sphincter to go down,” Sheth said. “And the increased pressure of the growing uterus predisposes the woman to acid reflux.”The good news is that once the pregnancy is over, the symptoms of acid reflux are likely to disappear.
3. Hiatal Hernia
A hiatal hernia is very common (at least 40 percent of Americans have them) and doesn’t necessarily cause acid reflux, Sheth said.
However, in a subgroup of patients with very severe reflux, a hiatal hernia – where the upper portion of the stomach moves upward into the chest – can cause acid to reflux, Sheth added.Hiatal hernias can range in size from 1 to 4 centimeters. They can be repaired during fundoplication surgeries.
4. Gastroparesis
This is a disorder in which the stomach takes too long to empty its contents.
“Normally, the acid is produced and emptied into the small intestine, but if it sits in the stomach for longer, by sheer logic, it will come back up into the esophagus,” Sheth said.5. Obesity
“Even though obesity is a lifestyle issue, it’s also something that can go overstated,” Sheth said.
“Obesity increases the pressure in the stomach area, so for people who don’t have the other medical causes, the sheer presence of obesity will cause them to have acid reflux.”6. Bisphosphonates
This class of drugs prevents and treats osteoporosis in women and, occasionally, cause acid reflux in users.
“They stand out,” Sheth said. “They don’t necessarily cause reflux, but they can cause esophageal irritation, which can feel like heartburn.”
Sheth added it is always worth a quick review of any medication that you are taking long-term to see if acid reflux is one of its side effects.
7. Lifestyle
People who have heartburn "every now and then" may benefit from making lifestyle changes, Sheth said.
If they decrease their chocolate and/or caffeine intake (or other food or beverages that may irritate their symptoms), lose weight and stop smoking, they are likely to see a reduction in acid reflux symptoms, he said.
It is better to take care now than regret later. By making some changes to your lifestyle, it can only improve your health and make life happier and easier for you. Try it today.
Salsa For Acid Reflux Heartburn Patients
One man's trouble with tomatoes has caused him to find a way around and in the end, a business is created.
Meet Duane Thompson. He loves eating tomato-based salsas but he had to struggle with indigestion and in the end, he sometimes suffered from acid reflux and heartburn symptoms.
Read the his full story on his new creation and how a business was born :-
More heart and soul, less heartburn - Hampton man's low-acid salsa recipe is now his business
5 Acid Reflux Medications: Which One is Best Suitable for You?
[FoxNews] Characterized by symptoms of heartburn and regurgitation, GERD is a chronic condition where the acidic contents of the stomach flow back up into the esophagus. This constant backwash of stomach acid irritates the lining of the esophagus, and sufferers are left “feeling the burn.”
According to Dr. Anish Sheth, a gastroenterologist and assistant professor of medicine at Yale University, by making some simple changes in the patients' diet and lifestyle, it helps them manage the discomfort of their acid indigestion,
Sheth told FOXNews.com:
Antacids. Popular over-the-counter medications like Tums, Maalox, Rolaids and Mylanta neutralize stomach acid and provide fast-acting relief in mild or isolated cases of acid reflux. Some antacids come in liquid form to coat the lining of the esophagus and help reduce the amount of acid in the stomach. But they won’t aid in reducing inflammation of the esophagus associated with GERD.
“Most patients suffering from mild acid reflux will treat themselves with over-the-counter medications,” Sheth said. “Antacids are better for immediate relief – like after a big meal – because their effectiveness is short-lived in nature and only lasts for as long as it’s in the system.”
Remember that if you overuse the antacids, it can cause you diarrhea, constipation and, in some rare cases, an imbalance in electrolytes if the antacid contains calcium.
“You should see a doctor if your symptoms are not controlled by over-the-counter medicines because it could be a sign of a more serious condition,” Sheth said.
Oral suspension medicines. These medications, like Pepto Bismol and Carafate, are sometimes used to treat heartburn and indigestion as well as nausea, diarrhea and ulcers in the throat, stomach and intestines.
“Carafate is a liquid suspension that essentially coats the inside of the esophagus. It’s short-lived in its effectiveness because once the coating wears off it’s not going to do much,” Sheth said. “We really only prescribe it for people who have symptoms less than a couple times a week or month.”
Anti-gas, anti-flatulence. Some patients experience bloating when they get heartburn. For these kind of symptoms, over-the-counter products like Phazyme, Gas-X and Beano can aid in relieving pressure, bloating, and gas in the digestive tract. These medications usually come in tablet form and work by breaking up gas bubbles, making it easier to eliminate.
H-2-receptor blockers. Previously available only with a doctor's prescription, H-2-receptor blockers such as Pepcid AC and Zantac are now sold over-the-counter.
“H-2-receptor blockers work by shutting off the production of acid in the stomach,” Sheth said. “They are effective for mild reflux, they’re relatively inexpensive and can be used casually by people who only have symptoms a couple times a month.”
H-2-receptor blockers provide longer-lasting relief than antacids, but they do not take effect as quickly, so it is suggested that people take them 30 minutes before meals or before bed.
Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs). These medications, which include Prilosec, Prevacid and Nexium, block acid production and aid in healing damaged esophageal tissue, so they should be taken by people who are having more frequent, severe symptoms.
PPIs are usually taken under the care of a doctor to prevent acid reflux from recurring, but certain ones, like Prilosec, are now available over-the-counter.
“The standard of care for treating GERD and related digestive diseases has become proton pump inhibitors. And because they are so safe, these are the most common medicines,” Sheth said.
The majority of people who go on a PPI will get better, Sheth said. But there are other medications that can be prescribed by a doctor in the event that they don't.
Pay attention to the frequency and severity of your symptoms. If need to, please see a doctor if your symptoms perverse or you suspect that you are suffering from GERD. Complications, including trouble swallowing, unexplained weight loss, anemia, and drastic changes in symptoms will definitely warrant an immediate visit to your doctor to do a thorough check up for GERD.
“GERD can cause a narrowing of the esophagus that leads to trouble swallowing,” Sheth said. “And in some patients, it causes a change in the lining of the esophagus called Barrett’s esophagus – a condition that can lead to cancer.”
[Source: Fox News]
According to Dr. Anish Sheth, a gastroenterologist and assistant professor of medicine at Yale University, by making some simple changes in the patients' diet and lifestyle, it helps them manage the discomfort of their acid indigestion,
Sheth told FOXNews.com:
“Avoiding caffeine, eliminating fatty or acidic foods, losing excess weight and quitting smoking are all things patients can do to control their acid reflux.”It is important to know the frequency of the symptoms and how the symptoms are affecting their lives. Bear in mind that lifestyle modifications offer only temporary relief for patients suffering from more severe symptoms associated with GERD.
“If people are having symptoms on a daily basis or more than three times a week, we usually recommend they start medication,” said Sheth.But with so many medications available, how do you know which one is right for you?
Antacids. Popular over-the-counter medications like Tums, Maalox, Rolaids and Mylanta neutralize stomach acid and provide fast-acting relief in mild or isolated cases of acid reflux. Some antacids come in liquid form to coat the lining of the esophagus and help reduce the amount of acid in the stomach. But they won’t aid in reducing inflammation of the esophagus associated with GERD.
“Most patients suffering from mild acid reflux will treat themselves with over-the-counter medications,” Sheth said. “Antacids are better for immediate relief – like after a big meal – because their effectiveness is short-lived in nature and only lasts for as long as it’s in the system.”
Remember that if you overuse the antacids, it can cause you diarrhea, constipation and, in some rare cases, an imbalance in electrolytes if the antacid contains calcium.
“You should see a doctor if your symptoms are not controlled by over-the-counter medicines because it could be a sign of a more serious condition,” Sheth said.
Oral suspension medicines. These medications, like Pepto Bismol and Carafate, are sometimes used to treat heartburn and indigestion as well as nausea, diarrhea and ulcers in the throat, stomach and intestines.
“Carafate is a liquid suspension that essentially coats the inside of the esophagus. It’s short-lived in its effectiveness because once the coating wears off it’s not going to do much,” Sheth said. “We really only prescribe it for people who have symptoms less than a couple times a week or month.”
Anti-gas, anti-flatulence. Some patients experience bloating when they get heartburn. For these kind of symptoms, over-the-counter products like Phazyme, Gas-X and Beano can aid in relieving pressure, bloating, and gas in the digestive tract. These medications usually come in tablet form and work by breaking up gas bubbles, making it easier to eliminate.
H-2-receptor blockers. Previously available only with a doctor's prescription, H-2-receptor blockers such as Pepcid AC and Zantac are now sold over-the-counter.
“H-2-receptor blockers work by shutting off the production of acid in the stomach,” Sheth said. “They are effective for mild reflux, they’re relatively inexpensive and can be used casually by people who only have symptoms a couple times a month.”
H-2-receptor blockers provide longer-lasting relief than antacids, but they do not take effect as quickly, so it is suggested that people take them 30 minutes before meals or before bed.
Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs). These medications, which include Prilosec, Prevacid and Nexium, block acid production and aid in healing damaged esophageal tissue, so they should be taken by people who are having more frequent, severe symptoms.
PPIs are usually taken under the care of a doctor to prevent acid reflux from recurring, but certain ones, like Prilosec, are now available over-the-counter.
“The standard of care for treating GERD and related digestive diseases has become proton pump inhibitors. And because they are so safe, these are the most common medicines,” Sheth said.
The majority of people who go on a PPI will get better, Sheth said. But there are other medications that can be prescribed by a doctor in the event that they don't.
Pay attention to the frequency and severity of your symptoms. If need to, please see a doctor if your symptoms perverse or you suspect that you are suffering from GERD. Complications, including trouble swallowing, unexplained weight loss, anemia, and drastic changes in symptoms will definitely warrant an immediate visit to your doctor to do a thorough check up for GERD.
“GERD can cause a narrowing of the esophagus that leads to trouble swallowing,” Sheth said. “And in some patients, it causes a change in the lining of the esophagus called Barrett’s esophagus – a condition that can lead to cancer.”
[Source: Fox News]
Video: Tips on How To Treat Your Acid Reflux
Here is a good video to teach you how to treat your acid reflux problem.
7 Secrets of Heartburn Acid Reflux Diet
Here are the 7 simple rules for diets - a move towards a holistic, all-natural GERD treatment:
1. Reduce meal size. Mega meals put too much stress on the digestive system, more stomach acid is fabricated and an existing acid reflux condition can be degraded. Eat 5-6 smaller meals per day rather than 2-3 big meals.
2. Give your stomach a better possibility to work in the 2-3 hour window after a light meal, rather than the 5-6 hours for a heavy one. This is much better planning for the last meal of the day, to avoid lying down when acid can still flow back along your esophageal passage. So eat your last meal of the day as a light one and go for a short walk if you can, to aid digestion.
3. Don't gobble food. Gobbling means intake or air, pressure in the stomach and bloating which all goes to force back open the esophageal sphincter, with the resulting reflux of stomach acid.
4. Make way for herbal tea instead of coffee as well as reducing intake of high-fat or spicy meals, peppermint, citrus juices, soda and alcohol, coffee and caffeine, chocolate and any food with a large amount of tomato. Don't eat food that irritates the inside of your digestive tract, which in turn can cause your esophageal sphincter to malfunction and relax at the wrong moment.
5. Studies done in Sweden provide data to show that acid reflux danger can be halved via a high fiber diet and that high-fiber diets are useful for clearing out toxic matter and optimizing digestion.
6. Cut down on dairy produce, especially milk. Milk makes for more acid, mucus and allergies, all factors that stimulate Candida overgrowth and further digestive problems contributing to GERD.
7. Cut down on calories. Obesity and excess weight also act to force open the lower esophageal sphincter the wrong way.
Book Review: Eating for Acid Reflux: A Handbook and Cookbook for Those with Heartburn
The right plan based on the diet guidelines just mentioned will cut down on the chance of GERD and at the same time makes you healthier and fitter.
A heartburn diet plan is the 1st part of a complete natural and holistic program to stop acid reflux. It is the only way to permanently stop this problem. Diet plans are just one part of the treatment, like heartburn is just one piece of the acid heartburn puzzle. All the pieces need to be included in the solution in order to really effectively solve the problem.
Jeff Martin is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Heartburn No More- Open The Door To an Acid Reflux Free Life". Jeff has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.
To Learn More About Jeff Martin's Unique 5-Step Holistic Acid Reflux Cure System Visit: Acid Reflux Treatment - Click Here
1. Reduce meal size. Mega meals put too much stress on the digestive system, more stomach acid is fabricated and an existing acid reflux condition can be degraded. Eat 5-6 smaller meals per day rather than 2-3 big meals.
2. Give your stomach a better possibility to work in the 2-3 hour window after a light meal, rather than the 5-6 hours for a heavy one. This is much better planning for the last meal of the day, to avoid lying down when acid can still flow back along your esophageal passage. So eat your last meal of the day as a light one and go for a short walk if you can, to aid digestion.
3. Don't gobble food. Gobbling means intake or air, pressure in the stomach and bloating which all goes to force back open the esophageal sphincter, with the resulting reflux of stomach acid.
4. Make way for herbal tea instead of coffee as well as reducing intake of high-fat or spicy meals, peppermint, citrus juices, soda and alcohol, coffee and caffeine, chocolate and any food with a large amount of tomato. Don't eat food that irritates the inside of your digestive tract, which in turn can cause your esophageal sphincter to malfunction and relax at the wrong moment.
5. Studies done in Sweden provide data to show that acid reflux danger can be halved via a high fiber diet and that high-fiber diets are useful for clearing out toxic matter and optimizing digestion.
6. Cut down on dairy produce, especially milk. Milk makes for more acid, mucus and allergies, all factors that stimulate Candida overgrowth and further digestive problems contributing to GERD.
7. Cut down on calories. Obesity and excess weight also act to force open the lower esophageal sphincter the wrong way.
Book Review: Eating for Acid Reflux: A Handbook and Cookbook for Those with Heartburn
The right plan based on the diet guidelines just mentioned will cut down on the chance of GERD and at the same time makes you healthier and fitter.
A heartburn diet plan is the 1st part of a complete natural and holistic program to stop acid reflux. It is the only way to permanently stop this problem. Diet plans are just one part of the treatment, like heartburn is just one piece of the acid heartburn puzzle. All the pieces need to be included in the solution in order to really effectively solve the problem.
Jeff Martin is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Heartburn No More- Open The Door To an Acid Reflux Free Life". Jeff has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.
To Learn More About Jeff Martin's Unique 5-Step Holistic Acid Reflux Cure System Visit: Acid Reflux Treatment - Click Here
Video: Treatment For Heartburn and GERD
This video will share with you more about over-the-counter and prescription medication to manage heartburn and GERD.
Video: Treatment For Heartburn and GERD
For occasional cases of mild heartburn, "over the counter" medicines may work for you .
Antacids help to neutralize stomach acid and can provide quick relief.
H-2 Receptor Blockers - These medications are a stronger type of antacid. If you have GERD, they can help to reduce or eliminate symptoms, as well as heal an inflamed esophagus. H-2 receptor blockers can actually reduce the production of acid in your stomach. They are available in over-the-counter and prescription strength for GERD. They don't act as quickly as regular antacids, but they do last longer.
Proton Pump Inhibitors - These medications can block acid production completely and allow time for a damaged esophagus to heal. This medication was only available by prescription, but is now also available in an over-the-counter strength.
These, like all medications, can cause some side effects, so talk to your doctor about which option is best for you.
If have a severe case of GERD, your doctor may recommend surgery. The most common procedure is called fundoplication surgery, which applies pressure to the LES valve and reduces reflux. In many cases this can be done without large incisions by performing a laparoscopic operation.
It's important to know that the symptoms of heartburn can mimic other more serious problems, including heart attacks. So, if your symptoms seem like more than just reflux, or if you’re losing weight or having trouble swallowing or breathing, you should discuss it with your doctor.
Medicine and surgery are not the only ways to get rid of your heartburn problem. If you prefer trying a more holistic and natural therapy, you can check out Jeff Martin's holistic approach to Heartburn No More.
Video: Treatment For Heartburn and GERD
For occasional cases of mild heartburn, "over the counter" medicines may work for you .
Antacids help to neutralize stomach acid and can provide quick relief.
H-2 Receptor Blockers - These medications are a stronger type of antacid. If you have GERD, they can help to reduce or eliminate symptoms, as well as heal an inflamed esophagus. H-2 receptor blockers can actually reduce the production of acid in your stomach. They are available in over-the-counter and prescription strength for GERD. They don't act as quickly as regular antacids, but they do last longer.
Proton Pump Inhibitors - These medications can block acid production completely and allow time for a damaged esophagus to heal. This medication was only available by prescription, but is now also available in an over-the-counter strength.
These, like all medications, can cause some side effects, so talk to your doctor about which option is best for you.
If have a severe case of GERD, your doctor may recommend surgery. The most common procedure is called fundoplication surgery, which applies pressure to the LES valve and reduces reflux. In many cases this can be done without large incisions by performing a laparoscopic operation.
Medicine and surgery are not the only ways to get rid of your heartburn problem. If you prefer trying a more holistic and natural therapy, you can check out Jeff Martin's holistic approach to Heartburn No More.
acid reflux symptoms,
natural remedies,
Gastric Band Weight-Loss Surgery Can Help Obese Acid Reflux Patient
Recently, there is interesting discovery that gastric banding which is a surgical procedure designed to combat obesity can help to lose weight and also help to control of acid reflux symptoms
Dr. Frank K. Friedenberg, an associate professor in the section of gastroenterology at Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia and his colleagues published their findings in the August issue of The American Journal of Gastroenterology.
According to the new analysis, involving numerous studies, a high body mass index (BMI) and/or high amounts of abdominal fat does appear to raise the odds for significant acid reflux.
The researchers also found that diet-induced weight loss can help minimize GERD symptoms.
Patients often did lose weight after banding, the researchers found, and this reduction in weight did not immediately encourage GERD. In fact, in some cases, post-procedure weight loss appeared to moderately reduce some reflux disease symptoms, the researchers said.
Starpoli cautioned. "Both bypass and banding are not without their set of complications. And this study illustrates that while solving one problem, perhaps you worsen another. So, I would say that if you're going into any of these procedures to deal with obesity, and you have significant reflux, you definitely first need to have an appropriate evaluation as if you were considering an anti-reflux procedure."
More information
There's more on GERD at U.S. National Institutes of Health.
[Source: USNews]
If you are interested to learn more, click here to find out many different ways to overcome your heartburn acid reflux problem using natural holistic method.
Dr. Frank K. Friedenberg, an associate professor in the section of gastroenterology at Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia and his colleagues published their findings in the August issue of The American Journal of Gastroenterology.
The popular gastric banding surgery, which involves the placement of a band to divide and reduce the size of the stomach, initially debuted in 1993. It has proven effective in helping patients feel satiated earlier, spurring weight loss.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs when a muscle at the end of the esophagus does not close properly, allowing irritating stomach contents to leak back into the esophagus. Symptoms include heartburn and acid indigestion.According to the new analysis, involving numerous studies, a high body mass index (BMI) and/or high amounts of abdominal fat does appear to raise the odds for significant acid reflux.
The researchers also found that diet-induced weight loss can help minimize GERD symptoms.
Patients often did lose weight after banding, the researchers found, and this reduction in weight did not immediately encourage GERD. In fact, in some cases, post-procedure weight loss appeared to moderately reduce some reflux disease symptoms, the researchers said.
Starpoli cautioned. "Both bypass and banding are not without their set of complications. And this study illustrates that while solving one problem, perhaps you worsen another. So, I would say that if you're going into any of these procedures to deal with obesity, and you have significant reflux, you definitely first need to have an appropriate evaluation as if you were considering an anti-reflux procedure."
More information
There's more on GERD at U.S. National Institutes of Health.
[Source: USNews]
If you are interested to learn more, click here to find out many different ways to overcome your heartburn acid reflux problem using natural holistic method.
Video: Preventing GERD
For the past 2 weeks, you have learnt from videos what heartburn and GERD are and a true life story about how a simple heartburn problem could become a life-threatening GERD case.
Today, you will learn from this video what are the various ways to prevent heartburn symptoms and GERD.
Video: Prevent GERD
If you are interested to learn more about heartburn remedies, you can check out this blog:-
Today, you will learn from this video what are the various ways to prevent heartburn symptoms and GERD.
Video: Prevent GERD
If you are interested to learn more about heartburn remedies, you can check out this blog:-
Severe Heartburn Means Cancer
Heartburn can be both extremely both painful and fatiguing. Generally, people suffer from some degree of heartburn. Medical data indicates that most people get occasional heartburn at some time in their life. However many of these heartburn episodes go away by themselves or with the help of a minimum of medication. Severe heartburn is a sign of a more advanced illness known to medical personnel as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Here, conventional medicine is often weak in providing any positive benefit for severe Heartburn cases.
What is the real, underlying problem?
The weakening or the instability of the muscle separating the esophagus from the stomach means that stomach juices including acid reflux back into the esophagus. Ulceration of the esophagus is then the result because of the acid corrosion caused by the acidic stomach matter. The root of the problem is therefore typically the sphincter or one-way muscular valve that should block off the stomach from the esophagus. In severe cases, there may even be a pre-cancer condition known to doctors as Barrett's esophagus, and which necessitates immediate medical attention.
Other factors of Heartburn
People with asthma can make the situation even worse. This is because if the backward reflux of acid contents reaches the upper part of the esophagus, then the result may be fits of wheezing, hoarseness and drive coughing.
===>>> News: The Connection Between Asthma and Heartburn GERD
Which kind of people are more at risk of contracting heartburn?
There are several medical conditions that will bump up the risk of serious heartburn. Risk factors include hernias and diabetes as well as incorrect eating, such as too much fast food. Diseases of the auto immune system such as Raynaud Phenomenon, sceloderma and the CREST syndrome can all negatively impact this condition.
Right Heartburn Remedy
Because they do not take into consideration the long term causes, and may even have serious side effects when they are taken, modern medicines may even worsen the situation. And as most medications prescribed by physicians target only the symptoms of heartburn, they only really have a role to play in short term relief.
Heartburn sufferers are advised to limit or avoid intake of food that is fatty, high in caffeine, high in alcohol content, in chocolate, mint or sherbet, as well as eating less of the acid-type foods such as tomatoes, oranges, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. Recent investigations have suggested that a correct diet, a healthy lifestyle and a holistic program which may include herbs and vitamins supplements are what is required to permanently cure severe GERD-related heartburn.
Jeff Martin is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Heartburn No More- Open The Door To an Acid Reflux Free Life". Jeff has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.
To Learn More About Jeff Martin´s Unique 5-Step Holistic Acid Reflux Cure System Visit: Heartburn and Acid Reflux
What is the real, underlying problem?
The weakening or the instability of the muscle separating the esophagus from the stomach means that stomach juices including acid reflux back into the esophagus. Ulceration of the esophagus is then the result because of the acid corrosion caused by the acidic stomach matter. The root of the problem is therefore typically the sphincter or one-way muscular valve that should block off the stomach from the esophagus. In severe cases, there may even be a pre-cancer condition known to doctors as Barrett's esophagus, and which necessitates immediate medical attention.
Other factors of Heartburn
People with asthma can make the situation even worse. This is because if the backward reflux of acid contents reaches the upper part of the esophagus, then the result may be fits of wheezing, hoarseness and drive coughing.
===>>> News: The Connection Between Asthma and Heartburn GERD
Which kind of people are more at risk of contracting heartburn?
There are several medical conditions that will bump up the risk of serious heartburn. Risk factors include hernias and diabetes as well as incorrect eating, such as too much fast food. Diseases of the auto immune system such as Raynaud Phenomenon, sceloderma and the CREST syndrome can all negatively impact this condition.
Right Heartburn Remedy
Because they do not take into consideration the long term causes, and may even have serious side effects when they are taken, modern medicines may even worsen the situation. And as most medications prescribed by physicians target only the symptoms of heartburn, they only really have a role to play in short term relief.
Heartburn sufferers are advised to limit or avoid intake of food that is fatty, high in caffeine, high in alcohol content, in chocolate, mint or sherbet, as well as eating less of the acid-type foods such as tomatoes, oranges, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. Recent investigations have suggested that a correct diet, a healthy lifestyle and a holistic program which may include herbs and vitamins supplements are what is required to permanently cure severe GERD-related heartburn.
Jeff Martin is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Heartburn No More- Open The Door To an Acid Reflux Free Life". Jeff has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.
To Learn More About Jeff Martin´s Unique 5-Step Holistic Acid Reflux Cure System Visit: Heartburn and Acid Reflux
True Story About A Patient Overcoming GERD problem
Many people like Beth (which you can watch the video below) thought that their heartburn problem was a simple case and did not really bother about it.
When the symptoms got worse, they started to find something is serious about it.
Click this video to learn more about it: True Life Story: GERD
When the symptoms got worse, they started to find something is serious about it.
Click this video to learn more about it: True Life Story: GERD
News: Acid Reflux Pills Related to Increased Fracture Risk
(NewsInferno.com - 12 Aug 2008) - We have been reporting on drugs such as Prilosec and Nexium—part of a class of drugs called Proton Pump Inhibitors, or PPIs—that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) investigated for a suspected link between cardiac trouble and PPIs. Also, because such drugs may be overly effective at stopping stomach acid production, they have been know to raise pneumonia, bone loss, and fracture risk; this, by over 40 percent in patients on long-term use.
Now, a new Canadian study of PPIs such as Aciphex, Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosec, and Protonix and osteoporosis-related fractures has revealed a link between long-term use of PPis and increased risk for such fractures of the hip, wrist, or spine. The link appeared in patients taking PPIs after about seven years. PPI drug makers claim they haven’t seen increased osteoporosis-related fracture risk in people using their products.
The study included about 63,000 adults aged 50 and older in Manitoba, Canada, and also included about 15,300 patients who sustained an osteoporosis-related fracture of the hip, spine, or wrist from 1996 to 2004. The researchers, including University of Manitoba’s Laura Targownik, MD, MSHS, also reviewed participants’ prescription records and found that those who received an osteoporosis-related fracture were nearly twice as likely to have taken a PPI for at least seven years; those on PPIs for six or less were not linked to fracture risk. Those with hip fractures were 62% more likely to have used a PPI for at least five years.
It remains unclear how PPIs might increase fracture risk, but some experts believe it may be related to their stomach acid inhibiting qualities. Targownik’s team speculates that PPIs speed up bone mineral loss; however, the study doesn’t prove this. Also, the researchers considered a variety of other factors, including participants’ other prescriptions, medical history, and income.
Meanwhile, long-term PPI use and fracture risk have been linked in previous research and that association “is certainly a strong basis for encouraging further investigation,” write the editorialists, who included J. Brent Richards, MD, of Canada’s McGill University. “Certainly, at one extreme, such as in patients with bleeding ulcers, the beneficial effects may far outweigh the risks associated with fractures,” the editorial states. “At the other extreme, liberal prescription of proton pump inhibitors for nebulous disorders for extended periods of time is likely worth revisiting.”
Targownik’s study doesn’t specify which PPIs the patients took. AstraZeneca, maker of Nexium responded, “AstraZeneca does not agree with the conclusion of the CMAJ study,” said spokeswoman Corey Windett Judee Shuler, senior director of corporate communications for Eisai Inc., maker of Aciphex, said the results “warrant further study, as these fractures are important medical issues that can occur for a variety of reasons.
According to an editorial published along with the study and that appeared in the Canadian Medical Association’s journal, CMAJ , additional research is needed. Until then, they suggest patients and their doctors reevaluate the risks and benefits of long-term PPI use.
Now, a new Canadian study of PPIs such as Aciphex, Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosec, and Protonix and osteoporosis-related fractures has revealed a link between long-term use of PPis and increased risk for such fractures of the hip, wrist, or spine. The link appeared in patients taking PPIs after about seven years. PPI drug makers claim they haven’t seen increased osteoporosis-related fracture risk in people using their products.
The study included about 63,000 adults aged 50 and older in Manitoba, Canada, and also included about 15,300 patients who sustained an osteoporosis-related fracture of the hip, spine, or wrist from 1996 to 2004. The researchers, including University of Manitoba’s Laura Targownik, MD, MSHS, also reviewed participants’ prescription records and found that those who received an osteoporosis-related fracture were nearly twice as likely to have taken a PPI for at least seven years; those on PPIs for six or less were not linked to fracture risk. Those with hip fractures were 62% more likely to have used a PPI for at least five years.
It remains unclear how PPIs might increase fracture risk, but some experts believe it may be related to their stomach acid inhibiting qualities. Targownik’s team speculates that PPIs speed up bone mineral loss; however, the study doesn’t prove this. Also, the researchers considered a variety of other factors, including participants’ other prescriptions, medical history, and income.
Meanwhile, long-term PPI use and fracture risk have been linked in previous research and that association “is certainly a strong basis for encouraging further investigation,” write the editorialists, who included J. Brent Richards, MD, of Canada’s McGill University. “Certainly, at one extreme, such as in patients with bleeding ulcers, the beneficial effects may far outweigh the risks associated with fractures,” the editorial states. “At the other extreme, liberal prescription of proton pump inhibitors for nebulous disorders for extended periods of time is likely worth revisiting.”
Targownik’s study doesn’t specify which PPIs the patients took. AstraZeneca, maker of Nexium responded, “AstraZeneca does not agree with the conclusion of the CMAJ study,” said spokeswoman Corey Windett Judee Shuler, senior director of corporate communications for Eisai Inc., maker of Aciphex, said the results “warrant further study, as these fractures are important medical issues that can occur for a variety of reasons.
According to an editorial published along with the study and that appeared in the Canadian Medical Association’s journal, CMAJ , additional research is needed. Until then, they suggest patients and their doctors reevaluate the risks and benefits of long-term PPI use.
Heartburn and GERD video summary
What Are Heartburn and GERD?
Hosted by Dr. Roshini Raj, Gastroenterology
When you eat a meal, your stomach processes the food you eat. It does this, in part, by using the acid it produces called hydrochloric acid. Your stomach has a special lining that protects you from it, but other organs do not. You also have a muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter valve, or LES valve, which generally acts like a one way door that allows food into the stomach.
When the LES valve is not working properly, acid can travel up into the esophagus. This is called "reflux." This acid burns and irritates the esophagus, causing the pain we call heartburn.
If heartburn occurs more than a couple of times a week, or in the middle of the night, then you may have a more serious condition called GERD, or Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease. If left untreated, GERD can lead to esophageal cancer.
Symptoms of GERD
The most common symptom of GERD is frequent heartburn: this is a burning pain in your chest, which can also be felt sometimes in the throat. It often occurs at night or when lying down and may be accompanied by a sour taste in your mouth.
Other symptoms include:
Treating Heartburn and GERD
Lifestyle Changes
- Control Your Weight.
Excess pounds put pressure on your abdomen, pushing your stomach up and causing acid to back up into your esophagus.
- Eat Smaller Meals.
Overfilling the stomach increases pressure on that LES valve at the top of your stomach, forcing it open and letting acid into the esophagus.
- Loosen Your Belt.
Clothing that fits too tightly around your waist also puts pressure on your LES valve.
- Keep Track Of ‘Food Triggers.’ You might know that fried and spicy foods can trigger heartburn. But so can chocolate, peppermint, garlic, and onion. Alcohol and caffeine are also heartburn triggers. Figure out what you’re specific triggers are.
- Stay Upright After Eating. It’s a good idea to wait three to four hours after eating before going to bed.
- Raise The Head Of Your Bed. An elevation of about six to nine inches puts gravity to work for you. Use a wooden or cement block under the head of your bed, or a foam wedge under the head of your mattress. Don’t use pillows since they will only raise your head and not your midsection.
- Stop Smoking. Smoking decreases your saliva, and saliva helps protect your esophagus by neutralizing the acid. Smoking also increases your risk of esophageal cancer.
Home Remedies
A lot of people use home remedies like drinking baking soda in water, soda, or milk to help heartburn. These may give you temporary relief, but usually end up making it worse by adding more pressure to the stomach and causing acid reflux.
For occasional cases of mild heartburn, "over the counter" remedies may work best.
- Antacids. These neutralize stomach acid and can provide quick relief.
- H-2 Receptor Blockers. These medications are a stronger type of antacid. If you have GERD, they can help to reduce or eliminate symptoms, as well as heal an inflamed esophagus. H-2 receptor blockers can actually reduce the production of acid in your stomach. They are available in over-the-counter and prescription strength for GERD. They don't act as quickly as regular antacids, but they do last longer.
- Proton Pump Inhibitors. These medications can block acid production completely and allow time for a damaged esophagus to heal. This medication was only available by prescription, but is now also available in an over-the-counter strength.
These, like all medications, can cause some side effects, so talk to your doctor about which option is best for you.
If have a severe case of GERD, your doctor may recommend surgery. The most common procedure is called fundoplication surgery, which applies pressure to the LES valve and reduces reflux. In many cases this can be done without large incisions by performing a laparoscopic operation.
It's important to know that the symptoms of heartburn can mimic other more serious problems, including heart attacks. So, if your symptoms seem like more than just reflux, or if you’re losing weight or having trouble swallowing or breathing, you should discuss it with your doctor.
HealthiNation offers health information for educational purposes only; this information is not meant as medical advice. Always consult your doctor about your specific health condition.
Hosted by Dr. Roshini Raj, Gastroenterology
When you eat a meal, your stomach processes the food you eat. It does this, in part, by using the acid it produces called hydrochloric acid. Your stomach has a special lining that protects you from it, but other organs do not. You also have a muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter valve, or LES valve, which generally acts like a one way door that allows food into the stomach.
When the LES valve is not working properly, acid can travel up into the esophagus. This is called "reflux." This acid burns and irritates the esophagus, causing the pain we call heartburn.
If heartburn occurs more than a couple of times a week, or in the middle of the night, then you may have a more serious condition called GERD, or Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease. If left untreated, GERD can lead to esophageal cancer.
Symptoms of GERD
The most common symptom of GERD is frequent heartburn: this is a burning pain in your chest, which can also be felt sometimes in the throat. It often occurs at night or when lying down and may be accompanied by a sour taste in your mouth.
Other symptoms include:
- Difficulty swallowing
- Coughing, wheezing, hoarseness or sore throat
- Regurgitation, or a sensation of food or liquid backing up from your stomach into your throat.
Treating Heartburn and GERD
Lifestyle Changes
- Control Your Weight.
Excess pounds put pressure on your abdomen, pushing your stomach up and causing acid to back up into your esophagus.
- Eat Smaller Meals.
Overfilling the stomach increases pressure on that LES valve at the top of your stomach, forcing it open and letting acid into the esophagus.
- Loosen Your Belt.
Clothing that fits too tightly around your waist also puts pressure on your LES valve.
- Keep Track Of ‘Food Triggers.’ You might know that fried and spicy foods can trigger heartburn. But so can chocolate, peppermint, garlic, and onion. Alcohol and caffeine are also heartburn triggers. Figure out what you’re specific triggers are.
- Stay Upright After Eating. It’s a good idea to wait three to four hours after eating before going to bed.
- Raise The Head Of Your Bed. An elevation of about six to nine inches puts gravity to work for you. Use a wooden or cement block under the head of your bed, or a foam wedge under the head of your mattress. Don’t use pillows since they will only raise your head and not your midsection.
- Stop Smoking. Smoking decreases your saliva, and saliva helps protect your esophagus by neutralizing the acid. Smoking also increases your risk of esophageal cancer.
Home Remedies
A lot of people use home remedies like drinking baking soda in water, soda, or milk to help heartburn. These may give you temporary relief, but usually end up making it worse by adding more pressure to the stomach and causing acid reflux.
For occasional cases of mild heartburn, "over the counter" remedies may work best.
- Antacids. These neutralize stomach acid and can provide quick relief.
- H-2 Receptor Blockers. These medications are a stronger type of antacid. If you have GERD, they can help to reduce or eliminate symptoms, as well as heal an inflamed esophagus. H-2 receptor blockers can actually reduce the production of acid in your stomach. They are available in over-the-counter and prescription strength for GERD. They don't act as quickly as regular antacids, but they do last longer.
- Proton Pump Inhibitors. These medications can block acid production completely and allow time for a damaged esophagus to heal. This medication was only available by prescription, but is now also available in an over-the-counter strength.
These, like all medications, can cause some side effects, so talk to your doctor about which option is best for you.
If have a severe case of GERD, your doctor may recommend surgery. The most common procedure is called fundoplication surgery, which applies pressure to the LES valve and reduces reflux. In many cases this can be done without large incisions by performing a laparoscopic operation.
It's important to know that the symptoms of heartburn can mimic other more serious problems, including heart attacks. So, if your symptoms seem like more than just reflux, or if you’re losing weight or having trouble swallowing or breathing, you should discuss it with your doctor.
HealthiNation offers health information for educational purposes only; this information is not meant as medical advice. Always consult your doctor about your specific health condition.
acid reflux symptoms,
proton pump hibitors,
What Are Heartburn and GERD?
If you get a burning feeling in your stomach following a meal, you may have heartburn or GERD. Many people are still quite ignorant about heartburn and GERD. This great video can teach you what these are and why it's critical you know the difference.
Tomorrow, we will put up the summary of the video. Meantime, enjoy the video.
Tomorrow, we will put up the summary of the video. Meantime, enjoy the video.
Is Acid Reflux Overtreated and Overdiagnosed In Children?
This interesting article that I saw in HealthCentral. Beth Anderson shared her views about whether acid reflux being over diagnosed in young children.
About three years ago, the comments and discussion came out in the open. Beth Anderson attended a session of the American Academy of Pediatrics where Judith Sondheimer, was updating pediatricians on the latest news in pediatric gasteroenterology. Dr. Sondheimer is a pediatric gastroenterologist in Denver and is also the editor of the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. Dr. Sondheimer not only gave an update on reflux and several other gastrointestinal problems, she also talked at length about the over diagnosis of reflux. She was very disturbed by parents coming into her office insisting that their children need medications for reflux.
Dr. Sondheimer was also wary about public awareness campaigns educating parents about reflux in children. She was adamant that most babies who spit up are happy spitters and do not need to be treated. It seemed to be her belief that public awareness campaigns were leading parents to think that all children with even mild spitting up need treatment.
It was very interesting to hear what some gastroenterologists are thinking, but it was also disappointing that they seemed to blame the parents, the parent groups and the pharmaceutical companies. Yes, they have a few anecdotes about pushy parents, but our members have hundreds and hundreds of stories about having to fight for their child to get a diagnosis and treatment. A recent study published in the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition confirmed that parents often report a significant time delay and often have to go to several doctors.
Yes, many of our parents are frustrated. But, they are already frustrated when they call us. We strongly urge parents to work with their doctors. We urge them to be calm and we counsel them to bring charts that show how bad their child's reflux symptoms are. Many of our parents report very serious and even alarming symptoms in their children. We do not urge them to march into the doctor and demand treatment; we urge them to be good team members. We remind them that their job is to report symptoms and to be firm when they say the child has been in pain long enough. We help them learn how to be good observers and good advocates for their children.
PAGER Association has created National Tummy Ache Awareness Day to help parents learn the difference between regular tummy aches (and spitting up) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). On November 1, millions of children wake up with tummy aches from overindulging in Halloween candy. This is the perfect opportunity to talk to your child about whether their tummy feels this bad more than occasionally.
Much of our effort is spent on public awareness and education. The article in the Wall Street Journal will help children with reflux get a proper diagnosis.
If you are interested, you may want to get this book which focus on acid reflux in children:
About three years ago, the comments and discussion came out in the open. Beth Anderson attended a session of the American Academy of Pediatrics where Judith Sondheimer, was updating pediatricians on the latest news in pediatric gasteroenterology. Dr. Sondheimer is a pediatric gastroenterologist in Denver and is also the editor of the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. Dr. Sondheimer not only gave an update on reflux and several other gastrointestinal problems, she also talked at length about the over diagnosis of reflux. She was very disturbed by parents coming into her office insisting that their children need medications for reflux.
Dr. Sondheimer was also wary about public awareness campaigns educating parents about reflux in children. She was adamant that most babies who spit up are happy spitters and do not need to be treated. It seemed to be her belief that public awareness campaigns were leading parents to think that all children with even mild spitting up need treatment.
It was very interesting to hear what some gastroenterologists are thinking, but it was also disappointing that they seemed to blame the parents, the parent groups and the pharmaceutical companies. Yes, they have a few anecdotes about pushy parents, but our members have hundreds and hundreds of stories about having to fight for their child to get a diagnosis and treatment. A recent study published in the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition confirmed that parents often report a significant time delay and often have to go to several doctors.
Yes, many of our parents are frustrated. But, they are already frustrated when they call us. We strongly urge parents to work with their doctors. We urge them to be calm and we counsel them to bring charts that show how bad their child's reflux symptoms are. Many of our parents report very serious and even alarming symptoms in their children. We do not urge them to march into the doctor and demand treatment; we urge them to be good team members. We remind them that their job is to report symptoms and to be firm when they say the child has been in pain long enough. We help them learn how to be good observers and good advocates for their children.
PAGER Association has created National Tummy Ache Awareness Day to help parents learn the difference between regular tummy aches (and spitting up) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). On November 1, millions of children wake up with tummy aches from overindulging in Halloween candy. This is the perfect opportunity to talk to your child about whether their tummy feels this bad more than occasionally.
Much of our effort is spent on public awareness and education. The article in the Wall Street Journal will help children with reflux get a proper diagnosis.
If you are interested, you may want to get this book which focus on acid reflux in children:
Pain the chest, upper abdomen, a sign of heartburn
When there is unexplained pain in the chest or upper gastrointestinal tract, that may be a sign of an increased risk of death from alcohol-related causes, pneumonia or lung cancer.
Thus, people with these symptoms are likely to be hospitalized for "ischemic" heart disease - the type of heart disease caused by restricted blood flow in heart arteries which Dr. Estrid Muff Munk and colleagues from Aarhus University Hospital found.
The researchers noticed that when a patient with pain in the chest or the upper abdomen has normal results on a test called endoscopy, in which a scope is used to view the inside of the esophagus and the stomach, the pain may be due to undiagnosed ischemic heart disease.
To date, studies have shown that patients with this type of pain and normal upper endoscopy results have not excluded those with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or ulcers, they add. "Thus, it is uncertain whether all study subjects had truly unexplained pain."
To address this issue, researchers looked at heart disease risk and death over a 10-year period in 386 patients with pain in the chest or upper abdomen, normal upper endoscopy and no existing heart disease, and 3,793 control patients. They excluded patients with reflux, heartburn or other symptoms of GERD or ulcers.
The patients with unexplained pain were 60 percent more likely to be hospitalized over the next 10 years. They also were more than twice as likely to die within the first year of their endoscopy, while mortality risk was elevated for up to five years after the test.
Their risk of death from alcohol dependence, pneumonia or lung cancer was triple that of the general population.
Unexplained chest pain and upper abdominal pain in patients with a normal endoscopy test "is a strong marker for ischemic heart disease and increased mortality," they conclude.
[SOURCE: BMC Gastroenterology, published online July 15, 2008.]
Thus, I believe that once you start to experience the symptoms that indicate you may be having heartburn acid reflux problem, it is best to consult your doctor
Thus, people with these symptoms are likely to be hospitalized for "ischemic" heart disease - the type of heart disease caused by restricted blood flow in heart arteries which Dr. Estrid Muff Munk and colleagues from Aarhus University Hospital found.
The researchers noticed that when a patient with pain in the chest or the upper abdomen has normal results on a test called endoscopy, in which a scope is used to view the inside of the esophagus and the stomach, the pain may be due to undiagnosed ischemic heart disease.
To date, studies have shown that patients with this type of pain and normal upper endoscopy results have not excluded those with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or ulcers, they add. "Thus, it is uncertain whether all study subjects had truly unexplained pain."
To address this issue, researchers looked at heart disease risk and death over a 10-year period in 386 patients with pain in the chest or upper abdomen, normal upper endoscopy and no existing heart disease, and 3,793 control patients. They excluded patients with reflux, heartburn or other symptoms of GERD or ulcers.
The patients with unexplained pain were 60 percent more likely to be hospitalized over the next 10 years. They also were more than twice as likely to die within the first year of their endoscopy, while mortality risk was elevated for up to five years after the test.
Their risk of death from alcohol dependence, pneumonia or lung cancer was triple that of the general population.
Unexplained chest pain and upper abdominal pain in patients with a normal endoscopy test "is a strong marker for ischemic heart disease and increased mortality," they conclude.
[SOURCE: BMC Gastroenterology, published online July 15, 2008.]
Thus, I believe that once you start to experience the symptoms that indicate you may be having heartburn acid reflux problem, it is best to consult your doctor
Learn GERD Triggers and Avoid Heartburn
Acid reflux tends to occur when the LES valve is functioning abnormally and allowing stomach acids, pancreatic digestive juices, bile salts, and even food to rise up into the esophagus. Such abnormal functioning can include a lower-than-normal pressure in the valve, or it may open at inappropriate times for some reason.
If you have a condition called a hiatal hernia, your sphincter may have displaced into your chest, causing it to function abnormally. When acid reflux occurs and the aforementioned substances rise up to the level of the esophageal lining; severe irritation and discomfort usually follows.
There are many different kinds of triggers that can set off these irritations and symptoms. If you experience acid reflux, you should be aware of the various common GERD triggers so that you know what to do to prevent is recurrence. Such triggers can include the following, which cause the lower esophageal sphincter to relax and therefore contribute to the worsening of its symptoms:
• Lifestyle – many different lifestyle choices can cause you to experience heartburn, so take note of the GERD unfriendly activities in your life to allow yourself the opportunity to correct them and ease your symptoms. These unfriendly activities may include drinking alcohol, smoking, being overweight or obese, and slouching or maintaining poor posture. Living a high-stress lifestyle is also among the most common contributors to aggravating acid reflux symptoms.
• Diet – many foods are known to lead to acid reflux symptoms. Foods to avoid include high-acid foods such as citrus fruits and tomatoes, spicy foods, fried and fatty foods, chocolate, caffeinated beverages, sulfuric foods such as garlic and onions, and mint flavorings.
• Eating Habits – beyond the food you’re eating, your eating habits can also encourage or discourage heartburn. GERD eating habit triggers include eating large infrequent meals instead of several smaller meals, sudden dietary change, and eating before lying down or sleeping instead of waiting two or three hours.
• Medications – sometimes the drugs you’re taking for other conditions can aggravate your acid reflux symptoms. Drugs known for encouraging heartburn are theophylline (Tedral, Marax, Hydrophed, Bronchial, and Quibron), calcium channel blockers, antihistamines, and nitrates.
• Health Conditions – these can include many different kinds of medical, health, and body conditions, such as pregnancy, rapid weight gain, diabetes, the release of certain hormones, a hiatal hernia, or even over-exercising.
To learn, simply click here: Cure Your Heartburn
Best Home Remedies For Heartburn
Seattlepi.com ran an interesting article on 20 July about some great home remedies for heartburn.
In the article, they recommended 3 simple home remedies that you can easily use without popping antacids.
Chew some gum, BUT NOT MINT
Chewing gum (make it sugar-free) for an hour stimulates swallowing, which reduces acid reflux. Just choose any flavor but mint, which is actually a heartburn trigger. It can relax the valve that's supposed to keep stomach acid from creeping upward into your esophagus.
Drink milk.
For persistent heartburn, you can try to sip a little skim milk every one to two hours. Casein, the protein in milk, binds capsaicin -- the hot stuff in many dishes -- and the milk helps wash acid back down into the stomach.
Take a walk.
Taking a walk after meals is a great way to burn off some of the calories you just consumed. At the same time it cuts down the amount of time that stomach acid touches the esophagus. Incentive to keep going: The benefits last as long as the walking does. So if you can, walk and chew gum!
Of course, preventing a heartburn from happening in the first place is the best. How about refraining from eating a bucket of wings just be going to sleep at night is a good start. Normally, your esophagus enters your stomach at a sharp angle that keeps food from coming back up.
In the article, they recommended 3 simple home remedies that you can easily use without popping antacids.
Chewing gum (make it sugar-free) for an hour stimulates swallowing, which reduces acid reflux. Just choose any flavor but mint, which is actually a heartburn trigger. It can relax the valve that's supposed to keep stomach acid from creeping upward into your esophagus.
For persistent heartburn, you can try to sip a little skim milk every one to two hours. Casein, the protein in milk, binds capsaicin -- the hot stuff in many dishes -- and the milk helps wash acid back down into the stomach.
Taking a walk after meals is a great way to burn off some of the calories you just consumed. At the same time it cuts down the amount of time that stomach acid touches the esophagus. Incentive to keep going: The benefits last as long as the walking does. So if you can, walk and chew gum!
Of course, preventing a heartburn from happening in the first place is the best. How about refraining from eating a bucket of wings just be going to sleep at night is a good start. Normally, your esophagus enters your stomach at a sharp angle that keeps food from coming back up.
But large meals (and extra weight) stretch this angle, allowing acid to flow up. There are sneakier causes, too. Certain meds can weaken the valve at the bottom of the esophagus -- including ibuprofen, aspirin, antihistamines and birth-control pills. If you suspect a connection, talk to your doc.
How Can Apple Cider Vinegar Can Treat Acid Reflux Problem?
We know that vinegar is acidic and cause more problems to people who have heartburn acid reflux problem. However there is only one vinegar not only the heartburn sufferers can take and it is actually a natural acid reflux remedy which you can east all symptoms during the day.
WOW! That is Apple Cider Vinegar!
Read more about The Connection Between Vinegar and Heartburn...
Apple Cider Vinegar is vinegar made from crushed and aged apples known as cider. When unfiltered, Apple Cider Vinegar has a brownish-yellow color. Unfiltered cider vinegar, also known as organic apple cider vinegar, contains what is known as the “mother of vinegar” or simply the “mother”. The mother looks like stringy floating globs in the liquid, and is where all of the healing properties of Apple Cider Vinegar reside.
Apple Cider Vinegar contains minerals, as well as trace elements including magnesium, chlorine phosphorous, sulfur, sodium, calcium, potassium, iron, copper, fluorine and silicon. Due of all of its beneficial ingredients, Apple Cider Vinegar is a natural fighter of bacteria, which often makes it a beneficial vinegar acid reflux treatment choice.
How can Apple Cider Vinegar benefit acid reflux sufferers? You may be confused as to how a type of vinegar could be beneficial for treating acid reflux symptoms such as heartburn. After all, doesn’t vinegar have a high acid content? Wouldn’t cider vinegar just exacerbate the problem? Surprisingly, for most acid reflux sufferers, Apple Cider Vinegar helps to relieve the burning sensation and nausea caused by reflux without adding to it.
Many people with digestive problems like acid reflux, experience problems not because they have too much acid, but because they have too little. Apple Cider Vinegar mimics the acid level of the stomach, which aids in the proper digestion of food, and can help aid the stomach in digesting.
Therefore, in some cases, vinegar acid reflux remedies for heartburn work more effectively than antacids, because although antacids will cure heartburn, they are designed to diminish acid within the system. Thus, antacids will not treat the actual cause if acid reflux is the result of too little stomach acid, and instead can make reflux more frequent.
How should you take apple cider vinegar? Apple Cider Vinegar is available in many forms including liquid, tablet and capsule. However, when using Apple Cider Vinegar as a natural treatment, the only form you should obtain is the organic liquid that contains the “mother” enzyme.
When taking Apple Cider Vinegar, you will first want to shake it well before you ingest it to disperse the mother throughout the liquid. To start, try taking one tablespoon of cider vinegar before each meal. You will likely find the taste of the Apple Cider Vinegar to be quite potent. It is an acquired taste, and you should grow more accustomed to the flavor after the first few vinegar acid reflux treatments.
Nevertheless, should you find it too repellant, there are a few other ways you can take Apple Cider Vinegar such as:
- Mix a tablespoon in a fat free salad dressing or light mayonnaise and eat it with your meal
- Sprinkle a tablespoon on salad or vegetables
- Mix a tablespoon in an 8 oz. glass of water and add a bit of honey to sweeten the drink.
- Make a tea out of ACV by adding a tablespoon of the cider vinegar to hot water and slowly sipping it.
Although it is best to ingest apple cider vinegar prior to each meal, you can also take a tablespoon when your stomach is upset or heartburn acts up.
After taking apple cider vinegar for a few days, many acid reflux sufferers find that their symptoms improve, and continue to improve with treatment in the months that follow. However, in addition, you should be aware that Apple Cider Vinegar has a few mild side effects including stomach upset. Furthermore, Apple Cider Vinegar may worsen heartburn in some individuals. It is also known to thin the blood and should be avoided by anyone taking blood thinning medications such as anti-coagulants.
Always remember that you should speak to your doctor first before starting any treatment, including vinegar acid reflux treatment, and keep in mind that natural treatment should not replace any medication or treatment advice that has been prescribed by your doctor without prior consultation.
To Learn More about it...
Click Here : Stop Acid Reflux NOW!
Top Five Acid Reflux Prescription Medications
Finding the right acid reflux prescription medications is something that turns out to be very simple, but for others, there may involve some trial and error involved.
This heartburn acid reflux condition has a number of effective treatments and medications. Once you find something that works for you, you will probably have to take it for a few months to heal damage, though sometimes lifestyle changes can work wonders and you might be able to stop sooner. Most medications are of the once-a-day variety, but your doctor will tailor your prescription to your needs.
Here are five of the most common and most used medications for acid reflux.
Prilosec (generic name- omeprazole): You have probably seen commercials for Prilosec on television, and you might think it is an over-the-counter medication. Though there is an OTC form, there is also prescription strength available. This type of medication is a PPI, which stands for ‘proton pump inhibitor.’ This means that the medication is meant to lessen the amount of acid the stomach produces. Less acid production means less acid going up through the weakened stomach valve. This medication can promote healing of damaged tissues in as little as two months. This drug is swallowed whole, and has not been tested on pregnant or nursing moms.

Nexium (generic name- esomeprazole): Like Prilosec, this is a drug that is a PPI. It suppresses the enzymes that produce stomach acid to alleviate the symptoms and damage associated with GERD or gastric reflux. This comes in pill form, but there is an intravenous dose for special cases. This is often taken one hour before a meal, and is swallowed whole for best results. Also like Prilosec, this has not been studied with pregnant and nursing women.
Prevacid (generic name-lansoprazole): This is another of the PPI drugs, and it helps retard acid production while allowing the damaged tissues in the esophagus to properly heal. They can be swallowed, or there are tablets that can be placed under the tongue to dissolve rather than swallowed whole. Intravenous doses are available for those who cannot handle the tablet. This is also not be recommended for women who are pregnant or nursing.
Protonix (generic name- pantoprazole): Protonix is also a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) but is perhaps not as well known as the others. It works in the same manner though, and comes in only pill form at this time. Though this is a treatment for GERD, it is also known to be an effective treatment for ulcers. This pill might be taken in whole form only about 30 minutes before a meal for up to two months to decide if it is effective and if healing has occurred. This can not yet be recommended for pregnant and/or nursing women.
Tagamet (generic name-cimetidine): Though this is often thought of as an over-the-counter medication, it is available in prescription strength for those with persistent and daily heartburn problems. This works to stop acid production, but is different than the PPI variety of drug. It blocks histamines, which are known to stimulate acid production. In most cases, the prescription strength is only needed when there has been damage to the tissues. This is taken in pill form, and there is no research as to whether pregnant or nursing women should take it or not.
As with any type of medication, there is always the possibility that one of these might interact with other medications you may be taking for another condition, so be sure to let both your doctor and your pharmacist know what else you are taking.
You should find relief very quickly with each of these, and if you don’t, speak with your doctor. You might need a different dosage of these acid reflux prescription medications, or you may not have acid reflux at all. There are times when other problems can mimic this condition, so if your meds are not working, you should get a second opinion as to the cause of your symptoms.
How about trying using holistic approach to solve your acid reflux symptoms? May be you will be interest to find out more about Natural Herbal Remedies for Heartburn and Acid Reflux.
This heartburn acid reflux condition has a number of effective treatments and medications. Once you find something that works for you, you will probably have to take it for a few months to heal damage, though sometimes lifestyle changes can work wonders and you might be able to stop sooner. Most medications are of the once-a-day variety, but your doctor will tailor your prescription to your needs.
Here are five of the most common and most used medications for acid reflux.
Prilosec (generic name- omeprazole): You have probably seen commercials for Prilosec on television, and you might think it is an over-the-counter medication. Though there is an OTC form, there is also prescription strength available. This type of medication is a PPI, which stands for ‘proton pump inhibitor.’ This means that the medication is meant to lessen the amount of acid the stomach produces. Less acid production means less acid going up through the weakened stomach valve. This medication can promote healing of damaged tissues in as little as two months. This drug is swallowed whole, and has not been tested on pregnant or nursing moms.

Nexium (generic name- esomeprazole): Like Prilosec, this is a drug that is a PPI. It suppresses the enzymes that produce stomach acid to alleviate the symptoms and damage associated with GERD or gastric reflux. This comes in pill form, but there is an intravenous dose for special cases. This is often taken one hour before a meal, and is swallowed whole for best results. Also like Prilosec, this has not been studied with pregnant and nursing women.
Prevacid (generic name-lansoprazole): This is another of the PPI drugs, and it helps retard acid production while allowing the damaged tissues in the esophagus to properly heal. They can be swallowed, or there are tablets that can be placed under the tongue to dissolve rather than swallowed whole. Intravenous doses are available for those who cannot handle the tablet. This is also not be recommended for women who are pregnant or nursing.
Protonix (generic name- pantoprazole): Protonix is also a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) but is perhaps not as well known as the others. It works in the same manner though, and comes in only pill form at this time. Though this is a treatment for GERD, it is also known to be an effective treatment for ulcers. This pill might be taken in whole form only about 30 minutes before a meal for up to two months to decide if it is effective and if healing has occurred. This can not yet be recommended for pregnant and/or nursing women.
Tagamet (generic name-cimetidine): Though this is often thought of as an over-the-counter medication, it is available in prescription strength for those with persistent and daily heartburn problems. This works to stop acid production, but is different than the PPI variety of drug. It blocks histamines, which are known to stimulate acid production. In most cases, the prescription strength is only needed when there has been damage to the tissues. This is taken in pill form, and there is no research as to whether pregnant or nursing women should take it or not.
As with any type of medication, there is always the possibility that one of these might interact with other medications you may be taking for another condition, so be sure to let both your doctor and your pharmacist know what else you are taking.
You should find relief very quickly with each of these, and if you don’t, speak with your doctor. You might need a different dosage of these acid reflux prescription medications, or you may not have acid reflux at all. There are times when other problems can mimic this condition, so if your meds are not working, you should get a second opinion as to the cause of your symptoms.
How about trying using holistic approach to solve your acid reflux symptoms? May be you will be interest to find out more about Natural Herbal Remedies for Heartburn and Acid Reflux.
Change Your Diet To Combat Heartburn Symptoms

One of the best way to control your heartburn acid reflux symptoms is to get yourself onto a heartburn acid reflux friendly diet. Initially, it seems difficult to give up some of your favorite foods. The thought that heartburn acid reflux symptoms is just mere inconvenience, you may just continue with your current lifestyle. If you leave it untreated, it may lead to more or even complicated problem like GERD or even cancer.
Here are some suggestions you can consider for modify your diet.
Milk: When indigestion strikes, many reach for milk to soothe the stomach. No doubt, milk has a calming affect for many people, it is not necessarily a good choice in your diet if you suffer from acid reflux.
Drinking a glass of milk before bedtime is a common habit as milk can induce sleep. But, when you sleep, milk can encourage your body to churn out more acid, leading to painful reflux symptoms. If you wish to drink milk, you should have it earlier in the day. Should you really wish to have some milk at night, how about drinking a small glass and accompany it with some bread or any other high carbohydrate type of food. This will speed up digestion and reduce the potential of developing acid reflux symptoms.
Fats: Do you know that fatty foods take longer time to digest and that encourages your body to produce more acid to digest those fats? If you still like to have some fatty food, eat only a small portion. Take note that any fats may slow digestion, and if your reflux is flaring, avoid them as much as you can.
Fried Foods: Eating fried foods, whether deep-fried or stir fried, is a common acid reflux trigger for many people. Getting people to give up fried foods is the toughest because fried foods tend tend to be many people's favorite dishes. Instead of frying most of your food, you can try out heartburn-friendly cooking techniques like grill, broil, bake. May be the foods won't taste as good as fried, but you'll find more satisfying because they help you to minimize the likelihood of triggering an acid reflux episode.
===> Learn more about Heartburn-Friendly Cooking Techiques
Carbonated Drinks: Soft drinks or sodas like Coke, 7-up are a popular choice of beverages among many people. Unfortunately, for heartburn acid reflux sufferers it is advisable not consume them at all. The gas in these drinks can contribute to burping, and can encourage acid to reflux into the esophagus. If you must drink soda, the best way is to allow it go flat before drinking to reduce the impact of the carbonation. As you know drinking a flat soda, it is no different from drinking a flavored drink without bubbling gas. Furthermore, most sodas contain caffeine which is another common heartburn acid reflux trigger. The best beverage to have is still the plain water.
Fruit: There are some fruits and fruit juices you should avoid in your new diet. Most citrus fruits like orange and pineapple can stimulate acid production, and are common triggers. The acidic juice can bring on flare ups of acid reflux. Instead of having orange and pineapple, you can eat fruits that are not in the citrus category. How about trying bananas or berries or papayas and monitor your symptoms. You don’t have to give up all fruits, but you may have to be more selective when choosing.
===> Learn more about Can Papaya Help to Remedy Heartburn
Thus, by taking steps to make some adjustments to your diet for better heartburn acid reflux control, and to also make other lifestyles changes, this helps to minimize future health risks and your need to take prescription medications multiple times a year. Isn't this a wise choice?
If you are interested in a more natural method of overcoming your acid reflux symptoms instead of popping pills, please CLICK Below:
Heartburn Can Cause Three Unusual Symptoms
We all know that acid reflux is relatively common among people. Interestingly, the range of heartburn symptoms is wide. Some symptoms are easily recognizable while others are a bit unusual. Thus, it may be difficult to diagnose as the symptoms caused by heartburn.
GERD can cause you to suffer from symptoms that can range from very mild – almost unnoticeable – to ones that are actually life threatening like cancer. Bear in mind, the more serious heartburn symptoms are normally have developed over time. So if you do feel a bit of discomfort, please do not panic. Simply, you make a doctor’s appointment to get your doctor to check for you. This way, it ensures that you know the degree and type of GERD you are suffering from and what your treatment options are.
Besides the usual heartburn symptoms, you may want to watch out the following symptoms:
Pain – though pain is one of the more common symptoms heartburn has to offer, there are forms of pain that are considered to be quite unusual. For example, the typical pain felt from GERD includes a burning sensation in the mid to upper chest region, or a burning sensation in the esophagus or lower throat area. However, more rare are pains that migrate to the shoulder blade or overall shoulder area.
Vomiting – among the more unpleasant symptoms heartburn presents is varying degrees of vomiting. This can include wet or sour burps, wet hiccups, or food coming up a bit within an hour of eating. Less common versions of this potential symptom of GERD include feelings of nausea during or soon after eating or sometimes projectile vomiting. It may not be common but there have been cases where this has occurred and should be checked if you experience these symptoms and suspect GERD.
Respiratory – the respiratory system is easily impacted by GERD and therefore frequently presents with symptoms caused by heartburn. These commonly include a runny nose, bad breath, recurrent sore throat, sinus infections, upper respiratory infections, wheezing, bronchitis, asthma, a nagging dry cough, coughing at night, frequent throat clearing, labored or noisy breathing, a hoarse or deepened voice, or nodules on the vocal cords. Rarely however, GERD can develop into sleep apnea, aspiration (inhalation of stomach acids into the lungs), pneumonia, and laryngospasm (a brief spasm of the vocal cords that temporarily interrupts breathing, usually lasting up to 30 seconds).
Due to so many different kinds of symptoms – and a range of uncommon symptoms that can easily be mistaken for other illnesses, diseases, and conditions – acid reflux may not be the obvious choice as a diagnosis. If you suspect you may be suffering from any of these unusual heartburn symptoms, it is best to quickly consult your doctor quickly to get a formal diagnosis. Only a doctor can ascertain whether the symptoms that you are suffering are caused by GERD. This is especially true in the case of children, who may need different remedy options than adults.
To learn more, you can check out:
GERD can cause you to suffer from symptoms that can range from very mild – almost unnoticeable – to ones that are actually life threatening like cancer. Bear in mind, the more serious heartburn symptoms are normally have developed over time. So if you do feel a bit of discomfort, please do not panic. Simply, you make a doctor’s appointment to get your doctor to check for you. This way, it ensures that you know the degree and type of GERD you are suffering from and what your treatment options are.
Besides the usual heartburn symptoms, you may want to watch out the following symptoms:
Pain – though pain is one of the more common symptoms heartburn has to offer, there are forms of pain that are considered to be quite unusual. For example, the typical pain felt from GERD includes a burning sensation in the mid to upper chest region, or a burning sensation in the esophagus or lower throat area. However, more rare are pains that migrate to the shoulder blade or overall shoulder area.
Vomiting – among the more unpleasant symptoms heartburn presents is varying degrees of vomiting. This can include wet or sour burps, wet hiccups, or food coming up a bit within an hour of eating. Less common versions of this potential symptom of GERD include feelings of nausea during or soon after eating or sometimes projectile vomiting. It may not be common but there have been cases where this has occurred and should be checked if you experience these symptoms and suspect GERD.
Respiratory – the respiratory system is easily impacted by GERD and therefore frequently presents with symptoms caused by heartburn. These commonly include a runny nose, bad breath, recurrent sore throat, sinus infections, upper respiratory infections, wheezing, bronchitis, asthma, a nagging dry cough, coughing at night, frequent throat clearing, labored or noisy breathing, a hoarse or deepened voice, or nodules on the vocal cords. Rarely however, GERD can develop into sleep apnea, aspiration (inhalation of stomach acids into the lungs), pneumonia, and laryngospasm (a brief spasm of the vocal cords that temporarily interrupts breathing, usually lasting up to 30 seconds).
Due to so many different kinds of symptoms – and a range of uncommon symptoms that can easily be mistaken for other illnesses, diseases, and conditions – acid reflux may not be the obvious choice as a diagnosis. If you suspect you may be suffering from any of these unusual heartburn symptoms, it is best to quickly consult your doctor quickly to get a formal diagnosis. Only a doctor can ascertain whether the symptoms that you are suffering are caused by GERD. This is especially true in the case of children, who may need different remedy options than adults.
To learn more, you can check out:
Chew Your Food Slowly Helps To Prevent Heartburn

Heartburn may feel like your heart is on fire, but what’s “burning” is actually your esophagus. Acid reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), occurs when the stomach acids enter the esophagus, causing pain and burning sensations. Left untreated, GERD can lead to serious medical consequences, including narrowing of the esophagus, bleeding, or even a condition called Barrett’s esophagus, which increases your risk of developing esophageal cancer.
Read more about Heartburn Can Cause Cancer
In fact, the experts have found a simple way to prevent GERD in the first place: Eat more slowly. Researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston did a case study by feeding 690-calorie meals to 10 healthy volunteers, instructing them to finish the meal in either five or 30 minutes on alternating days. Participants were monitored for 2 hours after finishing their meals. Those who took 30 minutes to eat experienced fewer episodes of acid reflux or GERD compared to subject who finished eating in five minutes.
People need to slow down many areas of their lives, especially mealtime. Besides aiding your digestion, eating your meals slowly can help your waistline too, by giving your stomach a chance to communicate to your brain that it’s full. Time yourself, just to see how long it takes you to eat an average meal. Try to take a full 20-30 minutes (you might have to build up to this slowly) to finish your food. If you are experiencing heartburn or discomfort after meals on a regular basis, see your doctor, before GERD causes irreversible damage.
Besides learning to eat slowly, knowing what type of food to avoid is equally important.
Read more about What Types Of Heartburn Food To Avoid...
acid reflex,
Barrett’s esophagus,
esophageal cancer,
NEWS: Non-invasive Surgery for Heartburn Acid Reflux Disease
Hospital Is First In The Northeast To Perform Incisionless Transoral Procedure To Treat Chronic Heartburn
(HealthNewsDigest.com) - Rockville Centre, NY – Mercy Medical Center has become the first hospital in the Northeast to offer a new, revolutionary non-invasive procedure that surgically treats chronic heartburn resulting from GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).
A team headed by Shawn Garber, MD, Chief of Bariatric Surgery at Mercy, with colleague Spencer Holover, MD, is one of only a handful in the entire country to offer the technique, known as EsophyXTM Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication (TIF), a form of Natural Orifice Surgery (NOS) in which a device for performing reconstructive gastrointestinal procedures is introduced into the body through the mouth, rather than through an abdominal incision.
“EsophyX transoral incisionless surgery provides an important new option in the treatment of intractable acid reflux disease,” explained Dr. Garber, who heads the New York Bariatric Group. “Unlike conventional laparoscopic procedures for surgical remediation of GERD, the transoral technique that introduces the surgical instruments through the mouth, reduces the risk of infection from incisions, preserves future treatment options, nearly eliminates pain for the patient, and requires less recovery time.”
In the first operation of its kind in the Northeast, the team at Mercy Medical Center recently performed the EsophyX procedure several weeks ago on a 65-year-old New Jersey woman who had been experiencing severe heartburn from acid reflux disease for many years, and had obtained no relief from dietary and lifestyle changes, or any over-the-counter or prescription medication treatments. As a result of the surgery, her GERD has dissipated and she no longer requires medication.
It’s been estimated that as many as one in four people in Western nations suffer from heartburn at least once per month; that 12 percent experience the burning and pain at least once per week; and that more than 5 percent suffer on a daily basis. Those experiencing heartburn twice a week or more over a six month period are likely to have GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease, which results from excess stomach acid backing-up into the esophagus (the tube connecting the mouth to the stomach) due the failure of a muscular valve at the bottom of the esophagus to close properly.
Dietary and lifestyle changes, as well as over-the-counter and prescription medications treat GERD by reducing the amount of acid produced in the stomach. Medications can alleviate symptoms but generally do not stop the progression of the condition, and often must be taken for the rest of a patient’s life. For severe cases, conventional laparoscopic surgery can repair the gastroesophageal valve with instruments introduced into the abdomen through small incisions. The EsophyX transoral procedure, developed by EndoGastric SolutionsTM of Redmond, Washington, eliminates the need for incisions, and the associated pain and risk of infection, by introducing the surgical instruments through the patient’s mouth.
A similar bariatric procedure, called StomaphyXTM, for reducing the size of a patient’s stomach for individuals who gain weight a few years after gastric bypass surgery, has been available at Mercy Medical Center since last July.
Information about transoral surgery at Mercy Medical Center is available by calling: 516-62MERCY or www.chsli.org
(HealthNewsDigest.com) - Rockville Centre, NY – Mercy Medical Center has become the first hospital in the Northeast to offer a new, revolutionary non-invasive procedure that surgically treats chronic heartburn resulting from GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).
A team headed by Shawn Garber, MD, Chief of Bariatric Surgery at Mercy, with colleague Spencer Holover, MD, is one of only a handful in the entire country to offer the technique, known as EsophyXTM Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication (TIF), a form of Natural Orifice Surgery (NOS) in which a device for performing reconstructive gastrointestinal procedures is introduced into the body through the mouth, rather than through an abdominal incision.
“EsophyX transoral incisionless surgery provides an important new option in the treatment of intractable acid reflux disease,” explained Dr. Garber, who heads the New York Bariatric Group. “Unlike conventional laparoscopic procedures for surgical remediation of GERD, the transoral technique that introduces the surgical instruments through the mouth, reduces the risk of infection from incisions, preserves future treatment options, nearly eliminates pain for the patient, and requires less recovery time.”
In the first operation of its kind in the Northeast, the team at Mercy Medical Center recently performed the EsophyX procedure several weeks ago on a 65-year-old New Jersey woman who had been experiencing severe heartburn from acid reflux disease for many years, and had obtained no relief from dietary and lifestyle changes, or any over-the-counter or prescription medication treatments. As a result of the surgery, her GERD has dissipated and she no longer requires medication.
It’s been estimated that as many as one in four people in Western nations suffer from heartburn at least once per month; that 12 percent experience the burning and pain at least once per week; and that more than 5 percent suffer on a daily basis. Those experiencing heartburn twice a week or more over a six month period are likely to have GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease, which results from excess stomach acid backing-up into the esophagus (the tube connecting the mouth to the stomach) due the failure of a muscular valve at the bottom of the esophagus to close properly.
Dietary and lifestyle changes, as well as over-the-counter and prescription medications treat GERD by reducing the amount of acid produced in the stomach. Medications can alleviate symptoms but generally do not stop the progression of the condition, and often must be taken for the rest of a patient’s life. For severe cases, conventional laparoscopic surgery can repair the gastroesophageal valve with instruments introduced into the abdomen through small incisions. The EsophyX transoral procedure, developed by EndoGastric SolutionsTM of Redmond, Washington, eliminates the need for incisions, and the associated pain and risk of infection, by introducing the surgical instruments through the patient’s mouth.
A similar bariatric procedure, called StomaphyXTM, for reducing the size of a patient’s stomach for individuals who gain weight a few years after gastric bypass surgery, has been available at Mercy Medical Center since last July.
Information about transoral surgery at Mercy Medical Center is available by calling: 516-62MERCY or www.chsli.org
How To Relief From Acid Reflux
Heartburn acid reflux is a very common health problem for many people worldwide. Thus, you are not alone.
Here is a video that illustrate how you relieve yourself from heartburn acid reflux
Another important factor that you must look into is your diet. Do you know which types of you food will trigger off your heartburn causing your discomfort?
There is a well-written article about the types of food you should avoid in order not to trigger your acid reflux symptoms.
Also there is a latest update on dietary changes for GERD and acid reflux patients. Click here for more details - Dietary Changes and GERD / Acid Reflux: The Latest Research
Here is a video that illustrate how you relieve yourself from heartburn acid reflux
Another important factor that you must look into is your diet. Do you know which types of you food will trigger off your heartburn causing your discomfort?
There is a well-written article about the types of food you should avoid in order not to trigger your acid reflux symptoms.
=====> What Types of Heartburn Foods to Avoid?
Also there is a latest update on dietary changes for GERD and acid reflux patients. Click here for more details - Dietary Changes and GERD / Acid Reflux: The Latest Research
Can heartburn symptoms can be easily managed?
For Rachel Baca 26, of Amarillo, eating many of her favorite foods like spicy food would cause her heartburn and chest pains.
She is suffering from acid reflux condition in which stomach acid travels back into a her food pipe, or esophagus.
More than 20 percent of people experience at least mild heartburn acid reflux symptoms about once a week, according to Amarillo gastroenterologist Amit Trehan. Nearly about 7 percent to 10 percent of the population suffer the heartburn condition nearly every day. These are the ones who need the treatments.
Baca has consulted a doctor for acid reflux treatment after battling the condition for nearly two years. Before that, she tried using over-the-counter medication but they did not work for her.
Dr Trehan said it's important for extreme acid reflux sufferers to consult a doctor because long-term damage and cancer can result from acid reflux.
New treatments exist for extreme cases such as simple day-surgery.
Doctors can detect and remove any pre-cancerous lining of the esophagus through a person's mouth. The procedure is called Halo therapy.
"A lot of people just manage it with over-the-counter medication," said clinical nurse Sarah Schick.
Over-the-counter antacids such as Alka-Seltzer, Maalox, and Mylanta are safe and effective for mild cases.
Doctors can prescribe medications such as Prevacid or Nexium.
"All (prescription-strength antacids) are equally effective, no significant clinical difference," Trehan said.
Trehan suggests certain lifestyle changes such as avoiding late meals, wearing loose-fitting clothes and eating smaller portions. If possible, it is good to start your own heartburn diet.
Those who have acid reflux disease are advised to avoid foods such as caffeine, chocolate, spicy foods, acidic fruits and mint flavorings.
To learn more, Click Here: How To Remedy Heartburn
She is suffering from acid reflux condition in which stomach acid travels back into a her food pipe, or esophagus.
More than 20 percent of people experience at least mild heartburn acid reflux symptoms about once a week, according to Amarillo gastroenterologist Amit Trehan. Nearly about 7 percent to 10 percent of the population suffer the heartburn condition nearly every day. These are the ones who need the treatments.
Baca has consulted a doctor for acid reflux treatment after battling the condition for nearly two years. Before that, she tried using over-the-counter medication but they did not work for her.
Dr Trehan said it's important for extreme acid reflux sufferers to consult a doctor because long-term damage and cancer can result from acid reflux.
"Detecting cancers early by endoscopy has a much better prognosis than detecting end-stage tumors," Trehan said.
New treatments exist for extreme cases such as simple day-surgery.
Doctors can detect and remove any pre-cancerous lining of the esophagus through a person's mouth. The procedure is called Halo therapy.
"A lot of people just manage it with over-the-counter medication," said clinical nurse Sarah Schick.
Over-the-counter antacids such as Alka-Seltzer, Maalox, and Mylanta are safe and effective for mild cases.
Doctors can prescribe medications such as Prevacid or Nexium.
"All (prescription-strength antacids) are equally effective, no significant clinical difference," Trehan said.
Trehan suggests certain lifestyle changes such as avoiding late meals, wearing loose-fitting clothes and eating smaller portions. If possible, it is good to start your own heartburn diet.
Those who have acid reflux disease are advised to avoid foods such as caffeine, chocolate, spicy foods, acidic fruits and mint flavorings.
To learn more, Click Here: How To Remedy Heartburn
Happy Dining Out Without Heartburn Acid Reflux

Most heartburn acid reflux sufferers does not really enjoy eating out. When you are dining out, it is not easy to control what you can eat and how the food is cooked.
Although there is a wide variety of food to choose from the menu, you should choose food that will reduce your chance of triggering your acid reflux problem.
Here are 5 important keys you must know to have a good dinner outside without compromise your heartburn diet:
1. Select The Right Restaurant
2. Select The Right Menu Items
3. Select The right Amount of Food
4. Eat Early In The Evening
5. Chew On It For A While
For more details, please check this out - Dining Out Without Heartburn Acid Reflux
Natural Heartburn Cures
Heartburn is one of the most common and painful ailments that mankind ever suffer. In fact, the drug companies come up with many different prescriptions and medicines very often to help to you combat your heartburn. As you know that taking too much drugs is not good for your health ultimately. You know that heartburn do not happen overnight, hence you can try some other natural heartburn remedies to help you.
Here are some natural cures for heartburn acid reflux, there are a few in particular that you will want to consider.
Orange Peel ExtractOne of the best natural cures for acid reflux is orange peel extract. It has been studied in several clinical trials, and in all of these studies, it proved as being successful in the relieving of acid reflux and heartburn. Scientists believe that orange peel extract helps by moving food through to the stomach effectively and efficiently, and food doesn't stay in the esophagus longer than necessary, lessening the chances for heartburn to develop.
Herbal RemediesThere are various different herbal remedies that can be used for acid reflux. These herbs include chamomile, meadowsweet, slippery elm, cancer bush, fennel, catnip, angelica root gentian root, ginger root, and other botanicals. Modern herbalists have found that a combination of several of these herbs can be even more effective, and so you should take some time and try out a few different combinations in order to see what works best for you.
Proper DietThis is one of the most obvious, and easiest natural cures for acid reflux. Simply by eating fruits, vegetables, and an otherwise healthy and nutritious diet, you will be able to relieve any existing acid reflux problems that you have, as well as prevent any problems with this disease in the future.
As everyone is different, it is not necessarily that all the natural heartburn remedies will work for one person. You need to try out more different things. If you are interested, you can check here:
Here are some natural cures for heartburn acid reflux, there are a few in particular that you will want to consider.
Orange Peel ExtractOne of the best natural cures for acid reflux is orange peel extract. It has been studied in several clinical trials, and in all of these studies, it proved as being successful in the relieving of acid reflux and heartburn. Scientists believe that orange peel extract helps by moving food through to the stomach effectively and efficiently, and food doesn't stay in the esophagus longer than necessary, lessening the chances for heartburn to develop.
Herbal RemediesThere are various different herbal remedies that can be used for acid reflux. These herbs include chamomile, meadowsweet, slippery elm, cancer bush, fennel, catnip, angelica root gentian root, ginger root, and other botanicals. Modern herbalists have found that a combination of several of these herbs can be even more effective, and so you should take some time and try out a few different combinations in order to see what works best for you.
Proper DietThis is one of the most obvious, and easiest natural cures for acid reflux. Simply by eating fruits, vegetables, and an otherwise healthy and nutritious diet, you will be able to relieve any existing acid reflux problems that you have, as well as prevent any problems with this disease in the future.
As everyone is different, it is not necessarily that all the natural heartburn remedies will work for one person. You need to try out more different things. If you are interested, you can check here:
acid reflex,
heartburn cures,
heartburn remedy,
natural remedies
Understanding GERD
So, what is GERD? How is it related to heartburn or acid reflux? This video will explain to you more about GERD.
If you are interested to learn more about GERD, heartburn or acid reflux, you can check out this Heartburn Cures Blog.
If you are interested to learn more about GERD, heartburn or acid reflux, you can check out this Heartburn Cures Blog.
Cinnamon-Ginger Drink Fights Heartburn Symptoms
Do you know that ginger is a good form of alternative medicine to our ailments? Chinese have been using it as part of their Traditional Chinese Medicine to help them to cure their illness.
Here is a story from a lady who lived in Maryland - Jocylen M.
My heartburn became really bad when I stopped hormone replacement therapy. Initially, the heartburn suppressing pills worked very well. However, after 2 months I couldn’t stop them without having heartburn recurring.
One occasion, I went out to have dinner with my friends at a Korean style restaurant. One of them ordered a drink called persimmon punch- a concentrated cinnamon ginger drink. After taking a few sips, I actually felt much better.
After 1 month of adding about 3 tablespoons of the cinnamon-ginger drink to my tea in the morning and night, my low density lipoprotein cholesterol levels had dropped 30 points, and the heartburn problem was under control.
Unfortunately the cinnamon ginger tea has sugar in it, so a simpler alternative is to add a piece of candied ginger to your tea. The ginger is amazing for heartburn.
Jocylen M.
Here is a simple drink recipe that you will like to try:
1 piece of cinnamon
2-3 slices of ginger
A mug of hot water
Let it draw for a little while and it is ready to drink. Keep the spices in the cup, they last for at least 10 hot drinks. It is a very very healthy drink with a good taste.
Alternatively, you can get a packet of ready-made powder cinnamon-ginger that can be found in drugstore.
If you are interested to find out more, you check out these home treatments.
Here is a story from a lady who lived in Maryland - Jocylen M.
My heartburn became really bad when I stopped hormone replacement therapy. Initially, the heartburn suppressing pills worked very well. However, after 2 months I couldn’t stop them without having heartburn recurring.
One occasion, I went out to have dinner with my friends at a Korean style restaurant. One of them ordered a drink called persimmon punch- a concentrated cinnamon ginger drink. After taking a few sips, I actually felt much better.
After 1 month of adding about 3 tablespoons of the cinnamon-ginger drink to my tea in the morning and night, my low density lipoprotein cholesterol levels had dropped 30 points, and the heartburn problem was under control.
Unfortunately the cinnamon ginger tea has sugar in it, so a simpler alternative is to add a piece of candied ginger to your tea. The ginger is amazing for heartburn.
Jocylen M.
Here is a simple drink recipe that you will like to try:
1 piece of cinnamon
2-3 slices of ginger
A mug of hot water
Let it draw for a little while and it is ready to drink. Keep the spices in the cup, they last for at least 10 hot drinks. It is a very very healthy drink with a good taste.
Alternatively, you can get a packet of ready-made powder cinnamon-ginger that can be found in drugstore.
If you are interested to find out more, you check out these home treatments.
Video #1: Understanding What Is Heartburn
There is a great video that illustrate what is heartburn. Hope this will help you to understand more about it.
If you are interested to learn more about Heartburn, you check out this Heartburn Blog.
If you are interested to learn more about Heartburn, you check out this Heartburn Blog.
Heartburn Remedies - Using Natural Herbs to Over Heartburn Symptoms

Heartburn is a common illness that affects about 20 per cent of people at least once a week. Some have the symptoms more often than others and become a regular symptom which is part of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
This condition can be caused by diet as result of ingestion of heavy, rich, spicy, diet, heavily laden with ghee or oil. People are living a very stressful life and often, eating in a hurry and frequently drink and smoke to relieve the tension.
In fact, herbal remedies can help to heartburn sufferers to relax more and at the same time, it can help to prevent heartburn symptoms.
Common Herbs Used in Heartburn Remedies:
- Lemon Balm
- Chamomile
- Slippery Elm (Ulmus Fulva)
- Lavender
- Lemon juice
- Fresh Radish
- Ginger
- Spices
If you are keen to find out more about Natural Heartburn Remedies, CLICK HERE.
Asthma and Heartburn in Kids

More kids are getting asthma and heartburn at the same time. Duke researchers are doing a trial study to see there is any relation between the 2 illness.
If this is so, they hope to find a cure for the kids before it become a serious problem when they grow up.
More details at Link Between Asthma and Acid Reflux in Kids
Nighttime Acid Reflux Post A Huge Problem
Deborah Kronenberg is one of the 15 percent of Americans who suffer from nighttime heartburn. The only way that she can sleep every night is to elevate her head of her bed with bricks so that her acid reflux symptoms would not occur during the night.
She started having problems with gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), or heartburn acid reflux just two years ago.
Kronenberg was told that her problems weren't related to controlling stomach acid after all; rather, the sphincter on her lower esophagus wasn't working properly.
She suffered from chronic heartburn complaints such as acid taste in throat or mouth, chest pain.
A survey conducted by the American College of Gastroenterology, it said that almost half of those with acid reflux at night complained about sleep disturbances due to heartburn symptoms.
This is a serious matter and it is not taken light. Please read the full article from CNN News.
If you are interested to learn more about controlling your heartburn acid reflux symptoms, I recommend that you check this web site regularly for updates - Heartburn Cures And Remedies.
Do you know that Diet & Lifestyle Cause Your Heartburn?
Before you reach for your medicine like antacids to deal with the troublesome heartburn, you may want to consider doing something else first. How about changing yoru eating habits?
Most people are aware that they are either eating too quickly or eating certain foods that can trigger heartburn, yet few people are willing to change how and what they eat. Instead, they chow down as usual and then turn to their heartburn medication for relief. However, this is not the best way to tackle heartburn or indigestion, and, in fact, some of the very medications that claim to ease heartburn may actually make things worse. Here is a great article on How Diet and Lifestyle actually Cause Your Heartburn.
Most people are aware that they are either eating too quickly or eating certain foods that can trigger heartburn, yet few people are willing to change how and what they eat. Instead, they chow down as usual and then turn to their heartburn medication for relief. However, this is not the best way to tackle heartburn or indigestion, and, in fact, some of the very medications that claim to ease heartburn may actually make things worse. Here is a great article on How Diet and Lifestyle actually Cause Your Heartburn.
Doctors renew focus on worst acid reflux cases
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Chronic heartburn is a daily acid bath for the esophagus, and complications from it are on the rise. With the new government figures, it show a worrisome rise in esophagus disorders from severe acid reflux.
To make things worse, esophageal cancer is continuing increase as the nation's fastest-growing malignancy.
More doctors are trying to zap away the worst damage, beaming radiofrequency energy down the throat to burn off precancerous cells.
Heartburn sometimes is a temporary problem, but it also can signal gastrointestinal reflux disease, or GERD, where a loose valve allows stomach acid to regularly back up into the delicate esophagus. Millions have GERD, which is on the rise along with expanding waistlines. For most people, acid-suppressing medications are the answer.
But severe reflux over many years can cause serious problems for a fraction of people. The lining of the esophagus erodes until it bleeds, narrows to make swallowing difficult or, worse, starts to repair itself with more acid-resistant intestinal cells that happen to be more cancer-prone. That last condition is called Barrett's esophagus, and sufferers are 30 times more likely than the average person to go on to develop esophageal cancer.
[Source - Associated Press]
To make things worse, esophageal cancer is continuing increase as the nation's fastest-growing malignancy.
More doctors are trying to zap away the worst damage, beaming radiofrequency energy down the throat to burn off precancerous cells.
Heartburn sometimes is a temporary problem, but it also can signal gastrointestinal reflux disease, or GERD, where a loose valve allows stomach acid to regularly back up into the delicate esophagus. Millions have GERD, which is on the rise along with expanding waistlines. For most people, acid-suppressing medications are the answer.
But severe reflux over many years can cause serious problems for a fraction of people. The lining of the esophagus erodes until it bleeds, narrows to make swallowing difficult or, worse, starts to repair itself with more acid-resistant intestinal cells that happen to be more cancer-prone. That last condition is called Barrett's esophagus, and sufferers are 30 times more likely than the average person to go on to develop esophageal cancer.
[Source - Associated Press]
Natural Heartburn Cure: Fighting heartburn, naturally

Television commercials have trained our minds to believe that taking antacids for our heartburn is a normal part of our life.
However, simple diet and lifestyle modifications can help prevent you from joining the 25 percent to 35 percent of Americans who suffer from frequent, severe heartburn, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This condition can have serious consequences if left untreated, including an increased risk for esophageal cancer.
Frequently, medications are the first method of treatment for GERD. Unfortunately, some of these medications have side effects, such as impaired absorption of nutrients including calcium, vitamin B12 and iron. You may be able to avoid medication and its side effects by taking these easy steps to make prevention your first line of defense against heartburn:
# Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes like neckties and tight waistbands. This will give your system room to move.
# Do not eat within three hours of bedtime. Avoid bending over or lying down immediately after meals. Gravity can help aid digestion.
# Avoid acidic, spicy foods, or any foods that you know trigger your heartburn. Consider skipping the nachos during the game.
# Avoid large, high-fat meals. Fat slows digestion, and slow digestion contributes to heartburn.
# Limit alcohol, caffeine and nicotine. These substances relax the esophagus and may allow acid to creep back from the stomach.
# Increase regular intake of "bitters" such as dandelion and mustard greens to stimulate digestion.
# Always consult your health care practitioner if your symptoms continue or become severe.
[Source: Laura Hunter, BS, dietetic intern and Debra Boutin, MS, RD, assistant professor in the School of Nutrition and Exercise Science at Bastyr University
Nonprofit, accredited Bastyr University (bastyr.edu) offers multiple degrees in the natural health sciences, and clinical training at Bastyr Center for Natural Health (bastyrcenter.org), the region's largest natural medicine clinic]
acid reflex,
heartburn remedy,
natural remedies
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