
What Foods to Avoid in Your Heartburn Diet

Heartburn can cause disruption to your life. Sometimes, by taking medication, it may not help to alleviate your heartburn symptoms. Or, it may make it worse. Thus, you may want to modify your diet to help to improve your situation. It is not easy to give up some of our favorite foods and drinks. However, you don't have to give up everything you love at one time.

There are certain types of food you should avoid if you are suffering from acid reflux or heartburn symptoms. Here are 3 types of foods which you should avoid in your heartburn diet.

Fatty and fried foods - Many people love fatty and fried foods. Yet, these foods are common acid reflux or heartburn triggers. Fatty foods tend to stay in the stomach longer and require more acid to digest them. Avoid eating too much fatty foods that will slow down your digestion system and aggravate your heartburn symptoms.

Giving up fried foods can be the toughest thing to most people. In fact, fried foods have become a big part of our diet and life. But instead of taking it every meal, you can eat it once a week as a form of reward to yourself. You can try using other alternative cooking methods such as broiling, grilling, and roasting to reduce the usage of oil.

Caffeine - Do you know that coffee, tea and even chocolate are common heartburn triggers? To most people, drinking coffee and tea is like an addiction and they must have 3 to 5 cups of coffee or tea throughout the day. As you know, caffeine can cause your stomach to churn faster and thus it will make the stomach contents to push up. Well, you do not have to stop drinking them. Simply reduce your consumption slowly to maybe 1 cup per day. This will definitely help to improve your heartburn symptoms or even eliminate them.

Fruits - Most of the citrus fruits like orange, tomato, lemon and grapefruit should be avoided. These fruits will accelerate acid production and cause your acid reflux or heartburn to flare up. Instead of giving up on fruits, you may want to try non-citrus fruits like bananas, papaya or berries which can aid in your digestion and help to reduce your heartburn symptoms.

On the whole, it is still important that you must make effort to find out what types of foods to avoid in your heartburn diet. By doing so, you can find out your own heartburn triggers and stop taking those antacid which may make your symptoms worse.

To find out even more types of food you should avoid, you must go check out: Natural Heartburn Cures Without Medication.

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