How to you really tell that you are suffering from heartburn?
Is it when a heartburn become more than just an occasional problem that caused you to reach for nexium or zantac? Has it become too often?
What you can do is to ask yourself these questions?
1. Do you frequently have this uncomfortable feeling behind your breastbone that seems to move upward from the stomach?
2. Do you often have a burning sensation in the back of your throat?
3. Do you frequently have a bitter acid taste your mouth?
4. Do you get acid indigestion or heartburn problem at least 2 times a week and often have to use medicine for relief?
5. Do you experience these above problems after meals frequently and require to use medicine get relief?
If you answered yes to two or more questions, you might have heartburn. It is time for you to see your doctor or a gastrointestinal specialist to determine how serious your problem is.