The burning pain at the chest has become more commonly associated with heartburn acid reflux. It has become a big problem to many people. This is often have to with our lifestyle & diet.
The two main causes of heartburn is diet and lifestyle.
1) a) Diet- Food
Any food that is acidic, spicy and fried are common triggers for heartburn. Eating large portions of food can cause your stomach to generate large amounts of acid juices. As the result, this can help to increase your digestive juices to escape into the esophagus and cause you to have heartburn. Food like tomatoes, citrus fruits, peppers, fatty foods, fried food could be the causes of your heartburn problem.
As each individual is different and in order to clearly identify which food actually can trigger your heartburn, it is important to keep a food diary to track what kind of food do you eat every day. Thus, from the journal, you can detect what foods can cause it.
b) Diet - Beverages
Your daily beverages can also be the causes of the heartburn. Beverages like alcholic, citrus juices, carbonated drinks and sodas and caffeinated drinks are common causes of heartburn. They help to increase the acidity in your stomach and can cause irritation to the esophagus.
2. Lifestyle
Stress level High stress can cause your stomach to generate more acidic juices and causing you to have a heartburn.
Smoking encourages the production of digestive juice which induces relaxation of the sphicter. These are great conditions for heartburn to happen.
It is never a good idea to sleep immediately after a meal. By doing so, you are setting the condition for the digestive juices to escape to the esophagus.